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Verified Accounts on SpaceHey

Verified accounts (accounts with a blue checkmark next to their name) ensure that an account really belongs to the person/organization the account pretends to be.
A verified account does not mean that SpaceHey endorses this person/organization.
We currently only verify the Accounts of public figures and noteworthy brands/organizations.
You may qualify for getting your account verified if you meet one or more of the below requirements:

  • You are already verified on another major social network. Paid verification ("Twitter Blue" or similar) does not count.

  • You are a public figure featured on Wikipedia or multiple news outlets

  • You have a big amount of followers on another major social network

  • You represent a noteworthy brand or organization

Please note that meeting one of the above requirements does not guarantee a verification of your account. We audit every verification request on a case-by-case basis and do not verify every account.

To request your account to be verified, please send us an Email from the Email Address you used to sign up for your SpaceHey Account: Send Email

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