
Sam!!!!!'s profile picture

"probably listening to the magnus archives"

17!! they/them

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Mood: im definitely alive!!

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Sam!!!!!'s Interests


marvin the martian✰looney tunes✰tiny toons✰animaniacs✰lego movies✰welcome home✰dhmis✰inside job✰kid cosmic✰spider-ham✰marvin the martian (again)✰good omens✰villainous✰super jail!✰tsp✰deltarune✰spider-man (all versions)✰the magnus archives (im only on season 3 no spoilers please!!)


tally hall ♫ will wood ♫ jack stauber ♫ lemon demon ♫ cosmo sheldrake ♫ mitski ♫ jhariah ♫ i monster ♫oingo boingo♫ My absolute fave song is moon waltz by cojum dip!! XD i also really like the miracle musical E=


im a big cartoon lover, so i really liked things like the lego movies and i unironically liked both teen titans go movies :33 i also really like mitchells vs the machines and the transformers movies!! i also liked the reanimator movies, electric dreams, the deadpool movies, the venom movies, and all that jazz. if you knew me irl, you'd probably think that space jam was on here but NO. as much as i enjoyed space jam, it's mediocre at best.. hate me idc >:3 surprisingly i do like back in action and rabbits run. ALSO!!! SCOTT PILGRIM VS THE WORLD IT'S SO GOOD (not in a male manipulator way T~T)


once again i am a very big cartoon lover, but when it comes to tv my genre is a little different. i love kid cosmic, the looney tunes show, animaniacs, tiny toons, and rottmnt but recently i've been watching shows made for adults/teenagers. i watched all of inside job (i miss it sm) and im currently watching tuca and bertie, the midnight gospel, rick and morty, and im going to start south park!!


i almost never read but im trying to get back into it!! im currently reading a book called in the lives of puppets it’s very good!!!


this guy

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About me:

hiii!!! my names Sam and this is my spacehey!! :33 i love marvin the martian!! hes my favorite character (and possibly thing) of all time!! :D also i would just like to let you know that i am not very active on here so i may not respond fast if you message me!!

Who I'd like to meet:

i would like to meet anyone who is willing to tell me about their interests!! I love listening to people be excited and while i'm not very good at showing it, i am excited too!!

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FELLOW MARINE BIOLOGY ENJOYER!! thx for accepting :]

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by Sam!!!!!; ; Report