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pan/enby - he/they/it+ - hey what's up :]

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Mood: being silly :D

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ghoul/flurry's Interests


ALLO, m 18. i absolutely adore art, can be anything from photography to architecture - biggest ghostBc, MCR and bucky barnes fan you'll meet fr - i love splatoon, super paper mario, mario galaxy,,,


MCR ♠︎ Ghost ♣︎ utsu-P ♥︎ IDKHBTFM ♦︎ The smashing pumpkins ♤ ICP ♧ gerard way ♡ The Oozes ♢ Destroy boy ♠︎ The garden ♣︎ The runaways ♥︎ Destructo Disk ♦︎ Mommy long legs ♤ Dead keneddys ♧ Megadeth ♡ Black Sabbath ♢ Babymetal ♠︎ Slipknot ♣︎ Judas priest ♥︎ GRLwood ♦︎ Lemon demon ♤ Lady gaga ♧ Megan thee stallion ♡ frank lero ♢ tsundere twintails ♠︎ Deftones ♣︎ Tom Cardy ♥︎ iron maiden ect,,, ♠︎ ♣︎ ♥︎ ♦︎


All captain americas movies<3333, the black phone<3333, Scream<3333(1 to 5 :D), the boy <3333, Texas chainsaw massacre, Topgun1, Topgun2, Mayday, Alien, hocus pocus 1 & 2, my best friend is a vampire!!!


south park, the umbrella academy, stranger things


homestuck if that counts/j, DEFINETLY THE DANGER DAYS COMICS <3333 , the perks of being a wallflower


ghost mcr, bucky barnes and my mum :]

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ghoul/flurry's Blurbs

About me:

hey! m Alex/Flurry/Meringue/Ghoul/Mello, you can use any of those names for me!!! i use he/they/it+ cuz m just cool like that!(i also use neopronouns and have xenogenders!) pansexual and nonbinary single, singlet, punk and emo :D m autistic, an adult and french m an artist and m learning the drums.

Who I'd like to meet:

anyone is fine!!! i like to meet all type of people, punk, alt, emo and more is fine as long as you aren't rude, boring or meet any basic dni criteria, i don't judge :DDD if you are under 14/is 14 or over 23 PLEASE don't interact with me <3

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oddity ?!

oddity ?!'s profile picture

HI LOZER :D !!! /AFF !!

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