
xXChrissyCatXx's profile picture

"laying in bed"

29, but a sc3n3 qu33n for lyfe x)

Last active:

Mood: depressed

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xXChrissyCatXx's Interests


35mm film ♡ concerts ♡ face paint ♡ not whatever is going on politically in this country ♡ travelling ♡ vegan buffalo wings ♡ water

(machine girl shot by me)


100 gecs ♡ 2hollis ♡ 6arelyhuman ♡ actress ♡ alien vampires ♡ arca ♡ atari teenage riot ♡ attack attack! ♡ autechre ♡ the avalanches ♡ bladee ♡ brainbombs ♡ breathe carolina ♡ consumer electronics ♡ corey feldman ♡ crash course in science ♡ crystal castles ♡ dance gavin dance ♡ death's dynamic shroud ♡ deli girls ♡ dj sabrina the teenage dj ♡ does it offend you, yeah? ♡ elysia crampton ♡ food house ♡ front line assembly ♡ fuck buttons ♡ gorillaz ♡ iglooghost ♡ insane clown posse ♡ the knife ♡ the magnetic fields ♡ of Montreal ♡ prolaps ♡ say anything ♡ sematary ♡ sleigh bells ♡ strawberry hospital ♡ synapscape ♡ tonetta ♡ trent reznor & atticus ross ♡ underØath ♡ Varg²™ ♡ xiu xiu


12 angry men ♡ 3-iron ♡ a better tomorrow ♡ annihilation ♡ being john malkovich ♡ boogie nights ♡ bound ♡ the boxer's omen ♡ center jenny ♡ climax ♡ close-up ♡ crash ♡ dead-alive ♡ demonlover ♡ the doom generation ♡ do the right thing ♡ enter the void ♡ eyes wide shut ♡ freddy got fingered ♡ a ghost story ♡ house of wax ♡ ichi the killer ♡ jackass ♡ killer klowns from outer space ♡ let the right one in ♡ men ♡ paprika ♡ party monster ♡ the piano teacher ♡ possession ♡ requiem for a dream ♡ showgirls ♡ shrek ♡ slaughtered vomit dolls ♡ smiley ♡ society ♡ sunshine ♡ taxidermia ♡ teeth ♡ terror toons ♡ the thing ♡ tokyo gore police ♡ upgrade ♡ vox lux


another dirty room ♡ the aquabats! super show! ♡ half in the bag ♡ hunter x hunter ♡ it's always sunny in philadelphia ♡ invader zim ♡ nathan for you ♡ serial experiments lain


i have a focus issue -_-



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xXChrissyCatXx's Blurbs

About me:

aspiring photographer ♡ desert dweller ♡ in a functional relationship with worms: armageddon (hmu if you wanna play) ♡ listener of scenecore, aggrotech, and deconstructed club, but I like other stuff too ♡ vampire freak ♡ video rental store b*tch

now playing: God Bless by Combichrist

Who I'd like to meet:

xXChrissyCatXx's Friends Comments

Displaying 7 of 7 comments ( View all | Add Comment )

Great Googly Moogly

Great Googly Moogly's profile picture

Thanks for the add, Christina

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Wacky Alex

Wacky Alex's profile picture


I am always playing wacky music.
Take a listen? Have a suggestion?



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Ramaj Eroc

Ramaj Eroc's profile picture

Yoo! Just showing love to your page, like the old days! haha! 🙏🏾

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½InDaClosetPlumber's profile picture

Your page 🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽 it's so colorful, I love it! Thanks for the add

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Billy Boi

Billy Boi's profile picture

Thank for The ADD GORGEOUS .... ✅

Im “BILLY BOI” Nice to Meet You 🤝

Don’t Be Stranger 🤞🏾

“I know you ain't no pimp, but Pimp remember what I taught cha!”

Just Stoping By Showing 💕

Add My Song To Yo wall
“🎶🎵 Billy Boi -Tap In 🎵🎶”

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Jasmine Rose

Jasmine Rose's profile picture

Thank you for the add! Also, hell yes to BrokenCyde!!

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Ghost's profile picture

Thanks for the add, have a lovely day!

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you too!

by xXChrissyCatXx; ; Report