flavs! ☆

brazilian nerd
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About me:
heyo! my name is Flávia, but you can call me flavs, fla, flavszitas or whatever you want! im a brazilian girl (this is the reason for my poor english), my pronoums are she/her and im very close to being 17! i usually draw, write and also play some electric guitar too! im very shy when i first meet someone, but i can become very talkative over the days we talk!
Who I'd like to meet:
✂ some cool ppl!! i'd love to meet people who are in the same fandoms as me.. but if you dont, add me anyway, i need some new friends!
my disc0rd is flavszitas_

flavs! ☆'s Friend Space
[view all]flavs! ☆ has 70 friends.
amo batim muito muito!!
o seu é muito lindo também! 💗
by flavs! ☆; ; Report