
xflamincatIzFierce!'s profile picture

"prolly being alone n or listenin 2 musique"

17, lykz drawin n music

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Mood: comfy

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xflamincatIzFierce!'s Interests


wut im most interested in: art in general, music, memez, fashion, acting, film making, handicraft, world (sub)cultures, magick, discordianism, ideologies, ai, individuals with sincere great n passionate interests, n art philosophy (:
my fav foods include fried fish, brownies, donuts, borgarz :P
i wan2 get into everything, but jus cant i think i have adhd what i wan2 get in2 more: Books, coding, old video games, exercising,(im not fat i am extremely thin)
im sorry if any of this sounds pretentious, i dont wanna seem better than others, im only a vessel with memes to spread
i rlly wan2 customize my page but i dont have the time to, i wish i can


my bandercamp: https://bandcamp.com/fl4min

Shoutoute: AKthePotato moi bestie, (Crucify)April Maybelline, Swift Treweeke, SuperWardBros, Xx_dead.jhonny_xX , Xjojo_the_skramz_archivistX, high information noise, Cozy Rep, Wyattxhim, hardcoreboyish2, Maisystar, ratrace90210/5daysaslave, Miulloiko, Nachtritual, Rokas Tarulis n tha rest ov tha Xomogoblinz , n Salamateshinbekov cuz he coole asf

Favorite genres: Neon Pop Punk, Chiptune, Mashpunk, MLP muziek !! Extreme to Regional EDM in general: (Extratone, Dubstep, Budots, Dholki, Hanmai, SpeedLoliMashKusoiKore) Neo-Medieval, any typa Black Metal, NintendoKore, CyberGrind n any typa grind in general, Aggrotech, Emoviolence, dark cabaret, YTPMVs/OtoMADs, mashupz/ripz in general, ebm, world music, epunk, trvekvltneofolkabilly Wan2 get into: memphis rap, more old trap / PS: PLZ MAKE MASHPUNK MORE OF A THING

Favorite/Recommended artistz/bands (All of these make me happy, but Adam has a special place in my heart (= <333: Owl City, Lights, Nickasaur!, Hellogoodbye!, The Dallas Cowboys, Eleventyseven, 100 Gecs, Daniel The Photographer, Renard, Noisetripper, Eths, Baby Giraffes, Maisystar, Crucifyapril/XO Willow/Thai Body Dump, Sopor Aeternus, Soup Need Donuts, Captain Kirk on LSD Experience, Odaxelagnia, Loffciamcore, GTUK, GirlJoy, Hey Monday, Phyllomedusa, playradioplay!, Kadavergehorsam, Weird Al, Last Days Of Humanity, Error37, Strawberry Hospital, m1dy, Skindred, Shoebill, Fur:trash, Jarrod Alonge, The Blackout Crew, Revenge, Bubblegum Octopus, Hanni Kohl, Total Fucking Destruction, 5diez, The Shizit, ZOMBIESHARK!, Psyclon Nine, Ratrace/5daysaslave, 16 Armed Winged Angel, Vantana Row, Gecs, Passenger Of Shit, Reek Of The Unzen Gas Fumez, Crashie Tunez, Combat Wounded Veteran, Teen Hearts, Secret Secret Dino Club, HeyHiHello, Gáe Bolg, Endless Dismal Moan, Nokturnal Mortem, Centhron, Til Death Do We Part, Fire-Toolz, Antitainment, Haunted Mound, Drain Gang, Stevie Hoang, Dot Dot Curve, Mud Digger, Alestorm, SpaceGhostPurrp, SeeYouSpaceCowboy, Ozigiri, Jhomajikero, Hambog, Hi-C, MC Chris, Lemon Demon/Neil Cicierega, Goatmoon, Himeko Katagiri, Dagames, Grand Belial's Key, Sodikken, Uncle Outrage, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, MSI, BasedRetardGang, Yokai Jaki, Vyncent Flaw, Will Wood, Tally Hall, Chief Keef, Kidcrusher, Negative XP, Gezebelle Garburgdaby, Cyborg9k, Sigfrid, Shadow Wizard Money Gang, Gjallarhornit, Crochetcatpause, Твоё нежное безумие, шумные и угрожающие выходки, Soup Need Donuts, Raggedy Angry, Xaev, Meg & Dia, Morkesis, Grandma's Cottage ^w^

[i listen 2 watevr soundz bad but iz great, or jus great, cringe based, everything in between!] fck /mu/ topster shid n lastfm statz, listen 2 whatever !!

here's a full genre list ov scene n emo musik, feel free 2 use:

Emocore, Post-hardcore, Midwest Emo, Skramz, Kittencore, Sasscore, Mallcore, Emoviolence, Twinkle, Emo pop, Easycore, Metalcore, Deathcore, Mathcore, Melodic metalcore, Neon pop punk, Pop punk, Nintendocore, Cybergrind, Electronicore, Chiptune, Bitpop, Crunkcore

Grindcore (every subgenre), Nerdcore, Synthpunk, Electroclash, Indietronica, Queer pop, Incelcore/epunk, Nightcore, Extreme EDM (includes Gabber, Speedcore, Extratone, KusoiLoliMashReizo, etc.), Some Hyperpop, 5th wave emo, Scenecore

-Nerdcore has it's own scene, but's seperate from Myspace
-Grindcore, ive seen alot of Myspace era grindcore, but it's outside of scene
-Synth Punk and Electroclash, this specifically refers to MSI adjacent bands, not all of the genre
-Indietronica same, it's only the Myspace ones
-Queer Pop, same
-Incelcore now called epunk, incorporates different elements from all over punk, it's not about inceldom now, it's generally about being online and lonely
-Nightcore, more people than scene kids enjoy it, but a lot of Myspace music has been nightcored
-Extreme EDM, this is the same with grindcore, a lot of projects were on Myspace, so there was overlap
-5th Wave Emo, it's much more mixed
-Scenecore, a lot of it is just electropop with autotuned vocals, early era had a lot of awful lyrics, so it's generally disliked, and a lot of is uncreative, finding good ones is rare, but there are legitimately good ones, no awful lyrics, and has more creativity. I would generally refer to the ones that moved on as more of SoundCloud artists inspired by Scene, like Skeletonprince, some of them even moved on like Crucifyapril/Thai Body Dump being h3artcrush and Ratrace now 5daysaslave
-Hyperpop, some hyperpop is geniunely inspired by scene, compare early gecs with baby giraffes, but generally hyperpop is seperate, Laura Les i wud say iz p scene inspired, but it's debatable if her sound is scene


Whatevr Tim Burton & Dreamworks make, The Greatest Showman, The Holy Mountain, Megamind, My Neighbor Totoro, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, Inception, Interstellar, Alice in Wonderland, Everything Everywhere All At Once (ecco2k + jreg reference) (all of diz iz half ironic btw, idunno wat 2 put)


Animez: my first anime wuz Dragon Ball up 2 GT n Super, Ouran Highschool Host club, Trigun, Hellsing, Trinity Blood, Lain(philosophy>>aesthetic)
Showz: MLP, XRA, Gravity Falls, Adventure Time, Gumball, Summer Camp Island, Blinky bill, Arthur, Mouse and Mole, Charlie and Lola
YT series: Loveweb, Ongezellig, The Metal Family, Centricide (including all of 7), I can't sleep, Raised by Zombies, Stampy's Lovely World, This Exists
3D Malaysian TV shows: Boboiboy
3D Christian TV show based on an Anime of the same name: Superbook
& Niche animated Indian stories


The Bible (especially Psalms, Job & Ecclesiastes), ꧁꧂ MAG&ZINE, idk what else (i do not read dat much)(i dont even read these bookz dat much), sum Geronimo Stilton bookz, i need to read Baudrillard


Jesus, my parents, Adam Young, Neil Cicierega, JrEg, Yabujin, Gondola, my weird classm8s, textile george, jakiee wakiee, ev, boneamputee, xipapa321

xflamincatIzFierce!'s Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

maed my 1st Pixiu/Kandi braceletz wit my mum!! (^∇^) (view more)

xflamincatIzFierce!'s Blurbs

About me:

im a kat who lyks teh internet =] goal: openness 100

Who I'd like to meet:

another person lyk me irl, maybe sum of my online frenz :D ok i actually wan2 meet AK, Crucifyapril, Nachtritual, Owl City, textile george, zya, n seraphim sanctity

xflamincatIzFierce!'s Friends Comments

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sulflix's profile picture

nice profile

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thx ^^
(ihope i could beat adhd diz time and actually customize it lmao)

by xflamincatIzFierce!; ; Report

thx ^^
(ihope i could beat adhd diz time and actually customize it lmao)

by xflamincatIzFierce!; ; Report

aye np
cant wait to see it after the customization (if it ever happens lul)

by sulflix; ; Report


Xx_AxelEra8_xX's profile picture

¿¿Hi Hello?? I Haves and My Space Account Now

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yee ¡¡congratz axel !!

by xflamincatIzFierce!; ; Report


zombie's profile picture

omgg I came 2 check out ur profile and u want to meet me?? awwe ;_; ur so cool!!!

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thxzz !! but ur lyk 20% cooler lawlz =D

by xflamincatIzFierce!; ; Report