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he/him, EST, 15, adventure time enthusiast

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Mood: overworked

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fern's Interests


film photography, model cars, autopsies, vinyl, sticker making, plushies, art, animation, 3d modeling, art, math, baking, old technology, science of any kind, forensic science, law, true crime, reading, comic books,


gorillaz, car seat headrest, vivivivivi, the beatles, lemon demon, mitski, kwite, will wood, the dresden dolls, stomach book, alex g, mccafferty, msi, icp, tv girl, of montreal, beastie boys, the garden + way way more!!!


studio ghibli movies, scott pilgrim vs the world, rottmnt movie, beetlejuice, mutant mayhem, good burger, sweeny todd, heathers, rhps, coraline, nightmare before christmas, + more... maybe


adventure time!!!!!, gravity falls, fionna and cake, moomin vally, saki k, addams family, scott pilgrim takes off, rottmnt + more i think


homestuck, on a sunbeam - tillie walden, moomin comics, scott pilgrim, randal and friends


teenage mutant ninja turtles!, spider man, dead pool

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man i love sharks (view more)

fern's Blurbs

About me:

hey im fern i go by he/him and i really fucking love adventure time

cam is my matesprit !! vizra + heir of mind

chronically tired, bpd + selective mutism

i need to be hit upside the head with a rock

Who I'd like to meet:

im not super big into making friends as i am not a heavy talker but feel free to reach out about adventure time or any other shared interests!

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