TORI <3's profile picture

"Hey im so back"

soon to be 15 - swedish - pic is me

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Mood: gerard way

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TORI <3's Interests


i don't really have any interest other than music and sometimes I like to read. My favorite bands are mcr, ptv and a few alternative swedish bands such as Kent!! I like other artsits like girl in red, lil peep, the cure etc. I listen to whatever sounds good tbh!! :D Literally im just a emo boring teenager who does absolutely nothing but listen to music, make TikToks or watch Gilmore girls LOL


my favorite bands are my chemical romance, pierce the veil, all american rejects, the hives!! my favorite albums rn are the black parade by mcr, a flair for the dramatic by pierce the veil. I like basically all alternative music and a lot of genres like pop punk, punk, "emo", Indie, indie rock etc. I like the cure and lil peep too, pretty random but some songs I adore. Sometimes I even enjoy cavetown, lol a little embarrassed am i. ALSO!! Im seeing pierce the veil with cavetown as supporter in manchester, September 2025!!!! I collected vinyl records a while ago and I have come over when ur sober pt 1 and 2 by lil peep, three cheers for revenge by mcr, if I could make it go quiet by girl in red, the queen is dead by the smiths and three other with swedish bands!!! Im so happy over my collection so far :3 I also have a few cds but they're all swedish bands so not rlly exciting to tell tbh. Music is really my biggest interest lol XD

i also like Get scared, Picture me broke and black veils brides 


i don't really watch movies but I really like the Annabelle horror movies lolz and mostly watch true crime documentarys help theyre nice!!!!




im currently reading " not like other daughters" I think its called and "girl In pieces" for the like fourth time bc I love it smmm :DDD not a big reader but I like to read when im super bored


gerard way idk

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TORI <3's Blurbs

About me:

hellooo im tori XD im a girl, im soon 15 and I do nothing more than lay home in my bed lol also im from sweden and obv speak fluent swedish but speak english very well to :D Im rlly new to spacehey, I have no idea what im doing :3 I want to make friends so bad but im bad at holding conversations but im trying!! please talk to me im keel!! :D also im obsessed with hayday so if u play it bmf :DD so random lol but I love it XD I also play Minecraft :>

I love squid game I hyperfix on it a lot. If you’ve seen it, please talk to me about it I can yap 4ever

Who I'd like to meet:

id love to meet friends with the same interests as me or just people in the alternative/emo commun hehe :P

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