freak ♡

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"@ zchool"


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Mood: sick

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freak ♡'s Interests


i play the guitar, my art zuckz but i enjoy doing it, i actually luv to zing nd im pretty good at it (or zo im told), im pagan so im rly into whitchcraft so if any of yall wanna celebrate the holiday with me juzt come over ;)


fall out boy, mcr, deftonez, blink 182, pierce the veil, nd korn have my whole zoul


the craft, beetlejuice, nightmare be4 chriztmaz, hocus pocuz 1 nd 2, corpz bride, nd the ghozt face movie r the bezt moviez, change my mind


Nickelodeon 4 life baby (a lot of the new ztuff zucks tho) MY LITTLE PONYYYYY ND INVADER ZIM


brave new world, animal farm, and da night circuz


gerard way

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dni (view more)

another zurvey XD (view more)

zurvey becuz i <3 zurveyz (view more)

my namez lolz (view more)

i luv making faces (view more)

freak ♡'s Blurbs

About me:

1zt thingz 1zt id like to warn ppl that im in the procezz of recovering from sh nd i have an ed (im not fat phobic) now thatz out of the way hey, u can call me azh(ash), im 14 nd my pronounz r he/they/it/thon/vamp/zim. im not that into video gamez but if u wanna play then im there! Az u can tell im zcene/emo nd vry zingle zo juzt give me a call ;) im tranz and pan/azexual zo thiz iz a zafe zpace 4 every1 who needz it! if u rnt zure if ure welcome here juzt check my pinnd dni blog! i have zenzory izzuez with touch, zound, zometimez lightz, nd texturez but i luv everything to be vry colorful! or black lolz! i could uze a zpecial zomebody to zpend my weekendz with and zing fall 4 u with/j i have zome zerious mental izzuez that im working through, juzt tryn to get through high zchool rn but dont let my mood keep u down! if im zad make me happy by zending me a kwick zmile! (theyre contagious yk) if u wanna be friendz juzt zay zo cauze i most likely wanna be friendz with u and am deff too nervouz to zay zo

Who I'd like to meet:

other emo/zcene/punk/goth ppl nd gerard way ofc! dizcord- emo_freak 🥀#4951

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