georgia ★

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georgia ★'s Interests


marching band, french horn, music in general, drawing, writing, legend of zelda, sinjin drowning, emergency intercom, sally face, i'm trying so hard not to sound like a loser rn, thrifting (just shopping in general), hanging out con mis amigas... despite the way my page looks i am actually very basic just be aware


chloe moriondo, destructo disk, the cure, the smiths, carpetgarden, taylor swift, cigarettes after sex, ichiko aoba, mxmtoon, nicki minaj, childish gambino, easy blame, (g)i-dle, she & him, invisible mustache, gorillaz, cocteau twins, hozier, këkht aräkh, slipknot, sir mix-a-lot, wallows, simon and garfunkel, kesha, probably more i can't think though. i am a pop-loving poser !!


but i'm a cheerleader, coraline, it, itsv + atsv, 50 first dates, dead poet's society, night at the museum, 10 things i hate about you, the breakfast club, anyone but you, juno, marie antoinette, perks of being a wallflower, bones and all, little miss sunshine, brokeback mountain, ferris buellers day off, the lost boys, the shining, stand by me, any ghibli movie but especially ponyo and kiki's delivery service


community, new girl, the office, the walking dead (i quit after season 8 but i still count it as a favorite), gravity falls, malcolm in the middle, survivor, gilmore girls, anne with an e, over the garden wall, camp camp (regrettably), survivor, everything sucks, derry girls, i am not okay with this, 13 reasons why


harry potter (in a not transphobic way), calvin and hobbes, robin comics (NOT batman or teen titans im very particular), the reformed vampire support group, little women (i don't read as often as i'd like but i'm trying to get back into it!!), nd i'm currently trying to read bones and all + the goldfinch


trisha paytas, enya umanzor, jessica day, + rory gilmore 

georgia ★'s Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

all about me ✩ (view more)

gf (view more)

destructo disk?? (view more)

smiley piercings?? (view more)

any sinjin drowners ?? (view more)

georgia ★'s Blurbs

About me:

16 i use she/her and i am the normalest girl ever !! don't be scared to message me !! i wanna b friends !! idrk how spacehey works i'm just trying my best ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* IMG-5867 cat stamp! Slipknot Logo joostice IMG-5868

Who I'd like to meet:

friends w similar interests!!

A12192-BA-2-A02-464-F-A309-C8-FC5-DBC71-CA blinkies-Cafe-sf highschool

georgia ★'s Friends Comments

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xXproudanomaly16Xx's profile picture

Urr profile is so coooll :0

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tyyy omg!!!

by georgia ★; ; Report


vriska 's profile picture

hai bugs from twitter

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hii bffie vriska

by georgia ★; ; Report

hii bffie vriska

by georgia ★; ; Report

ooo ur layout is so cutie!!!

by vriska; ; Report