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"sl33p1n !! "

RAAAHHH 🇺🇸!!!1’1!!

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Mood: fatigu3d :(

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eckiii's Interests


OHHHH theres soooo much that i have, but the basic interests (( like off the internet or social media )): IRL: Human Anatomy, collect1ng kewl stuffz :DD (i.e; soda or energy drink tabz, shark teef, rocks/crystals, etc), nature walks, being by myself and partaking in my interests, etc!! Onl1ne/S0cial Media: online games, silli animation shows (( like eddsworld, invader zim, bid, etc!! )), watching showz, horror things ;P, u get it :33


I listen to gen mostly all genres BUUUTT besides these: country, pop, classical, jazz, the blues, etc!! I avoid these, especially pop bcz I have a vry.. self opinionated thing with some artists and ppl, so no go 4 me. things I DO love n listen 2: • Rock, Hard Rock • All Metals, but mainly Black, & Death!! • Loud hyperpop, or electronic:33 Sum of mah faaav artists from each genre:: ,, Rock/Metal: Disrurbed, FFDP, Mortician, Gemini Syndrome, Slaughter 2 Prevail, Slipknot, 1349, AC/DC, Slayer, MIW, Deftones, etc etc! ^_< ,, Hyperpop / electronic :: horrormovies, f3mtanyl, 1800-PAIN, Boy Fantasy, Avril L. , etc. I also luuuvvv emo, and other genres like that, but I’m not educated in those areas, but I’m rly interested in them!! :]]


♱• Final Destination ((all)), Saw ((all)), missing, any horror, thrill, comedy, dark humor, illness related, or documentaries/crime showz I luuuvv .-.




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About me:

♱⚰︎✟ • goth, scenec0re Indv !! ^.^ ✟⚰︎♱ “ • I’m a min0r sooo plz, if ure over 16+, DNI!! ⚠️ “ • introv3rted indv :3 “ • art1st + collect3r !1!1! “ • a cancer xb (♋️) “ • gamerz o,o

Who I'd like to meet:

((P.S: I have alot— and specific wants bcz if I didn’t say them, then we’d have a prblm, and I wanna avoid that!! ><)) • I’d like some metalcore, scene, hippie, or grunge ppl :3 • ppl who can toler4te sarcastic humor, & dark humor ^^ • ppl who play games, any besides casual or like games like starvalley, or calm games like that, ive had.. bad interactions w those ppl. • ppl who gen can understand me & respect me for who I am and what I want. :D • ppl who are patient and understanding and can v3nt to only from time 2 time w/o worry :7 • andd ppl my age group, so between 12-15 is preferred plzz!!

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