
gir|boy empire[
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Mood: festive[
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Contacting dingstorm
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dingstorm's Interests
General |
|oca| homestuck fan as is apparent from the typing quirk[ and uuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what i |ike changes a |ot from time to time i am a very indecisive person[ |
Music |
i |ike HARD FUCKING METAL BABYYY LET'S FUCKING GO YEAAAAAUH[ i get attached to rea||y specific bands from time to time it used to be rhapsody of fire now it's sonata arctica and in the future? who knows[ other than that i don't discriminate between genres, if i |ike it then it's good ok[ |
Movies |
wa||-e best movie ever no contest don't even try[ |
Television |
f|ight of the conchords. nuff said[ |
Books |
been a good fuckin whi|e since i read something for fun but i rea||y |iked the origina| how to train your dragon series. that shit ru|ed how did dreamworks take that and turn it into a horsegir| movie[ |
Heroes |
i'm my own second greatest hero but the top spot goes to my penpa| on tumb|r SpadesSlickFan180. she indirect|y he|ped me integrate myse|f into on|ine society more than she rea|izes a|so she's funny and coo| what e|se do you want[ |
dingstorm's Links
dingstorm's Blurbs
About me:
ok time fur a proper introduction[
dingstorm! 19 of age and my tumb|r is that one ---> this one[
not much e|sse to say tbh other than i'm not to active here on spacehey so if you send something it might take me a bit to see it but i do make sure to visit every once in a whi|e[
Who I'd like to meet:
|itera||y anyone i do not discriminate much. a|so if you draw or produce |itera||y anything for me i wi|| |ove you forever[
by dingstorm; ; Report