Diana Leigh

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Diana Leigh's Interests


Reading, singing, goofing around with family.


Almost anything.


Comedies mostly, I can handle some horror movies but not all


I watch all sorts of things from competition shows to crime shows and even kid shows with my nieces.




My nieces especially Sophia. She was born dead, was told she would never walk or talk and she has crushed all of that! My next hero is my mother because she is willing to take care of two disabled kids

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Diana Leigh's Blurbs

About me:

I am 29 years old. Currently going to Strayer University to get my Bachelor's Degree in Business. I do still live with my mother but I help her take care of my twin nieces who are six years old. Sophia is the oldest but smallest and has quite a few things that make her life a bit more difficult such as DiGeorge Syndrome. Her sister, Isabella, has Asperger's. I am a huge music lover, I will listen to just about anything. Movies have to be comedy, horror, or thriller.

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