★ danny ★

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2005, Germany

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Mood: all in between and above

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★ danny ★'s Interests




"I'm in space."


most of it, if it sounds good. otherwise i enjoy alt/prog rock. stuffs like pink floyd, "the basic stuffs", i also have some vinyls, not many though. just doing stuff. I also make some attempts at "being creative" in music.


i dislike the newer, latest marvel movies. batman is cool ig. Some of my fav movies have to be Blade Runner 1982 and 2049 but I like 1982 more. Tron Legacy because of the visuals and music. I love david tennant. There's also anime. I occasionally watch anime, however not much lately. I enjoy a silly one though.


I loved doctor who. I don't quite like where it's been heading but I might check it out again sometime and see if it's maybe gotten better. I loved david tennant in it tho. Aswell as Matt smith. Also david tennant in that one show with crowley. I forgot the name. Oh "good omen" i think. yeh. so that.


I've not ready many books. 1984 been cool kinda. some crime stories ig. i watched a soviet adaptation of sherlock holmes, one of the best in my opinion.


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About me:

★Saataa Andagii!★

I like doing stuff. I also try doing some music. You probably won't like it though.

So here's my youtube/twitter

my youtube :3

my twitter ;3

Who I'd like to meet:

ppl that have some of the same interest in the same topics. ppl i understand.



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