
14, he/him, gay, goth
Last active:
Mood: i dont know y'all
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unshakeable.dread's Interests
General |
vampires, mouthwashing, the sims 4, world war one, sally face, music, resident evil, pondering, batim, until dawn, analyzing and overanalyzing movies, roblox, old creepypastas, the walking dead games |
Music |
type o negative !!, the cure !!!!!, morbid angel, tears for fears, genitorturers, diva destruction, jakalope, korol i shut, psychonaut 4, this cold night |
Movies |
every spider-man movie that doesn't have tom holland, american mary, v/h/s, interview with the vampire, may, the lost boys, the (original) crow, mulan, g1 monster high movies |
Television |
i'm honestly so bad at finishing shows, i can't remember the last one i watched |
Books |
twilight series, all quiet on the western front, lovecraft's works, ink in the blood, the outsiders !! |
Heroes |
vampires |
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unshakeable.dread's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]
short stories perchance??? (view more)
a series of images detailing a long walk home (view more)
snow day update (view more)
very big snow (+ mini photo-dump) (view more)
unshakeable.dread's Blurbs
About me:
for always and ever was always for you
your trust, the most gorgeously stupid thing i ever cut in the world
Who I'd like to meet:
robert smith
unshakeable.dread's Friend Space
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