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"Probably listening to music"

An unstoppable force obstructed by an immovable fat piece of shit

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Mood: Angry at the world

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Jade's Interests


I'm 16 years old and live in the USA (🤮)

I'm interested in most things related to alternative/geek culture (you'll often find me in Hot Topic)

I'm also very interested in science-y topics such as psychology, biology, astrology, and physiology

Some video games I enjoy are Celeste, Little Nightmares, Mario Kart, old Minecraft, Portal, TF2, Phantasy Star Online, Doom, Animal Crossing, Tomodachi Life, Donkey Kong Country, Doctor Mario, and Crash Bandicoot

I'm a HUGE fan of retro games, consoles, and technology. I prefer analog media storage over digital any day of the week

My favorite home video game console is the Wii and my favorite handheld is the 3DS

I wanna start a punk band some day but don't know anyone who would be interested in joining:/

I had a pretty rough and traumatic upbringing so my memory is pretty foggy and fragmented, so expect inconsistency when you hear me talk about my childhood (if at all)

I use tarot cards every day, so if you are one of those (severely uninformed) morons who associates the cards with the devil, you are horribly mistaken and welcome to get the hell away from me

On a somewhat related note, I am in no way religious. I will not discriminate those who are but kindly ask that you don't talk to me about it or try to make me change because that will NOT happen no matter how hard you try

That's about it, now come pack a bowl with me mfer


Favorite band: My Chemical Romance

Top 3 favorite songs:

1. "Face Down" by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

2. "Psycho" by Puddle of Mudd

3. "Everlong" by Foo Fighters

Favorite album: "Danger Days" by MCR


1. Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny

2. Pulp Fiction

3. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood


My favorite show is Adventure Time (and my favorite character is Princess Bubblegum)

I also really like Midnight Gospel and Breaking Bad


Some books i would like to read:

"The True Meaning of Smekday" by Adam Rex

"The Joke and His Relation to the Unconscious" by Sigmund Freud

"The Lucifer Effect" by Philip Zimbardo


Kurt Cobain

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Jade's Blurbs

About me:

Nonbinary (they/them)

I like metal, rock, grunge, and punk music

I have a very light amount of musical skill

I HATE littering. We only got one Earth y'all, take care of it

Who I'd like to meet:

The asshat who invented trigonometry

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