
traveledtogether's profile picture

"Probably sleeping or listening to music. I like free time."

Fourteen, NY

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Mood: Usual.

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traveledtogether's Interests


I often find my interests directing towards the horror genre. But not all the time. I am currently very interested in a story-rich horror game, 'Mouthwashing'.


I enjoy a variety of different kinds of music. I particularly enjoy genres such as nu metal and alternative rock.


I really enjoy the horror genre. Slasher movies and psychological horrors have a special place in my heart.


I don't watch a lot of television. But when I do, it is usually a gameshow.


I don't read often read books. However, there are things out there that I do enjoy reading. It is not too uncommon for me to spend some of my time reading an article or two on Wikipedia or Fandom Wiki.


Answering this makes me feel like an elementary schooler that barely knows what happens on the internet. But I miss being an elementary schooler. My hero is my older sibling.

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traveledtogether's Blurbs

About me:

There's not a lot about me to tell. I think gender is a confusing topic. Although I was born of the female sex, I feel like it's just not 'me'. But I don't think that male is 'me', either. I like being referred to with 'they/them' pronouns, but I don't mind 'he/him' or 'she/her'.

Who I'd like to meet:


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