Canadian-American journalist / author / musician / 0.1x coder
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Mood: Vaguely twitchy
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clive's Interests
General |
Oh man. Lots of things! Technology, history, programming, poetry, giant squid, hacking, extended-mind theory, guitars, Emily Dckinson (can't spell her last name fully or SpaceHey thinks it contains a naughty word omg), feminism, Alexander Pope, literature of the 18th century, glitch art, oil painting, basically *any* visual art, Canada and Canadian culture, solar panels and solar tech, e e cummings, node and java script (can't spell it as one word or SpaceHey thinks you're trying to write code and blocks it), making games for the BBC Microchip, zeugma, history of engineering, weird pre-20th-century stuff on Google Books, low-fi AI (crappy markov chains), guitar pedals and guitar tech, music production, long-distance cycling, slide guitar, board-game design, did I mention Alexander Pope you really should read him, retro video games, designing retro video games, retro video game music, trees, python, theories of remote collaboration, cognitive psychology, history of women in programming, pencils and pencil sharpeners. |
Music |
Well my band OF COURSE ( and spotify), but beyond that literally anything |
Movies |
Television |
Currently watching "The Mandalorian" and rewatching all of Buffy with my family; we've just started season 3 |
Books |
Currently reading: "Negotiations" by Destiny Birdsong, "A Sand Book" by Ariana Reines, latest issue of "Logic" magazine, "White Magic" by Lothar Muller, "Who Are You?" by Alex Custodio, "Dothead" by Amit Majmudar, "The Odyssey" translation by Emily Wilson, "The Beadworkers" by Beth Piatote, "Faking It: Manipulated Photography Before Photoshop", "Braiding Sweetgrass" by Robin Wall Kimmerer, "The Autobiography of Mark Twain Vol 1" by Mark Twain (I flip between books *a lot* lol) |
Heroes |
clive's Links
clive's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]
This sums up 2020 nicely (view more)
Corentin makes a randomized blog-roll app for Spacehey (view more)
Torben made an iphone app for showing the latest Spacehey blog posts (view more)
A phone-line that does nothing but play Smashmouth's "All Star" (view more)
Links to guides on customizing one's spacehey page (view more)
clive's Blurbs
About me:
I'm a magazine journalist (for the New York Times Magazine, Wired, Smithsonian, Mother Jones and others) and book author (my latest is Coders: The Making of a New Tribe and the Remaking of the World). Email is since they don't yet have messaging here on spacehey ...
I'm also a musician -- guitarist/songwriter for the country/bluegrass band The Delorean Sisters, here's a cover we did of the Eurythmics' "Here Comes The Rain Again" as a spooky field song ...
BTW, this button below was created by corentin -- it's a randomizer that takes you to a random Spacehey profile. You can join it too; corentin explains how in his blog post here ...
Who I'd like to meet:
clive's Friend Space
[view all]clive has 206 friends.
clive's Friends Comments
Displaying 20 of 53 comments ( View all | Add Comment )
Donald |
clive where are you!? I hope you are enjoying life |
☽ ✯ KRUGER ✯ ☾ |
Thnx 4 the add!!! ▼・ᴥ・▼ |
clive |
@GuitarNinja -- lol me too. My to-do list would leave nothing but a single strip of text in the center of my screen |
clive |
@gio Glad you liked that! No, I've never been to that festival -- it sound amazing! I live in NYC but travel to SF for work occasionally ... after the pandemic eases up and I'm back traveling, I'll have to try to time it so I'm there to see! |
GuitarNinja |
Man, If I did my todo list "user hostile style", I couldn't type this message to you! It would be like grandmas internet explorer toolbars taking up half the screen! |
Gio |
Hey clive! Love the song you put on here. Eurythmics are great. Have you ever gone to Hardley Strictly Blue Grass Festival in San Fransisco ? |
Isaacool |
if you want to get back to the original spawn. type "to 3" and press enter. also nice to know you like the game. my time is MST(mountain standard time) if our timezones are close we can plan a time to meet in-game if you is a quick guide to learn the basics and get started. |
clive |
@Isaac Yes, I did log in to play! It was super cool -- I wandered around a bit, found my way into a house another player had designed with tons of amazing skins, used one of them ... then I couldn't figure out how to get out of the house, lol, so I logged off.
Isaacool |
hey, remember when you said something about manyland. that you'd play. if you remembered, how is it. what did you name yourself. assuming you made an account. currently, I'm at spawn, I'm named isaacool and have a plaid red shirt. if you wanna say hi ill be there. if you have traveled away from spawn just type "to 3" press enter and you should teleport to spawn. hope to see you there! |
L |
Thanks for the kind words and giving us a listen! Cheers from smoggy LA :) |
clive |
@rob 🤘
leovander |
Thanks for the add! Are you going to write an article about SpaceHey? |
clive |
@sadie Heya!
Aaron The Emissary |
Thanks for the add! Nice page. I'm giddy with nostalgia here, I feel like I landed in 2005. |
Sadie |
Thanks for the FR bub! |
clive |
@The_Time_Machine Aha, thanks for letting me know -- I don't log into Facebook very often ... I'll go check it now! |
The Time Machine |
Sent a message to you a couple of days ago to your Facebook account. Looking forward to hearing from you. :-) |
clive |
@victoriaa You are too kind! I blush |
clive |
[waving at all]
Alex, glad you dug the TNR piece! Heh, yeah, the Kessler Syndrome is both a) terrifying and b) would make a good name for a band