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rumor's Interests


music, writing, drawing, guitar, diy, movies, comics


9xacly, bikini kill, bob dylan, cocteau twins, dead kennedys, fob, fiona apple, fugazi, hole, idkhow, jeff buckley, metric, mcr, name taken, nirvana, p!atd, patti smith, ratm, tai..., the beatles, the brobecks, the killers, the like, the smiths, thursday, weyes blood


breakfast on pluto, fight club, ginger snaps, hsm2, jennifer's body, mean girls, moulin rouge, mysterious skin, saltburn, saw, sky high, slc punk, spiderverse, trainspotting, turning red, velvet goldmine, watching the detectives, yellow submarine


derry girls, evangelion, daria, gravity falls, mlp:fim, amc iwtv, spto, skins uk, the newsreader,Β twin peaks, ouran, utena


DEATHWISH COMICS, killjoys: national anthem,Β throam, the second circle - stele3, allen ginsberg, chuck palahniuk, jeffery eugenides, leslie feinberg, patti smith, sylvia plath


the world

rumor's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

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WOWWWWW art and uni update! (view more)

old myspace survey !! (view more)

EEEE new school year (view more)

going to shows (view more)

rumor's Blurbs

About me:

hi! i'm rumor (they/them). i'm 17 (2007). i like the beatles, bandom/dcd, vampires, diy art, and cartoons! more active on @punkmilligram if u wanna see my art haha.

as for music, i started on mcr as always. i love pop, classic rock, punk, grunge, emo, post-punk revival, dreampop, shoegaze, thrash metal, and techno! it's a spectrum. i'm a sampler. i'm from saigon. there's some local bands here who really knock it out of the park like 9xacly. the rest, eh. i'm also in a band.

i love movies, i watch everything that catches my eye. i'm also a huge cartoon/anime nerd and my taste is very apparent if you check my lbxd :]

so yeah, friend me if you like! i'm trying to be more active on here.

Who I'd like to meet:

ryan ross widows, myspace emos, punks, posers, scene kids, riot grrrls & ghouls, grunge ppl, pete wentz likers, twt mutuals

rumor's Friends Comments

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cairo's profile picture


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by rumor; ; Report

*✧ cirqueclownz πŸͺ¬

*✧ cirqueclownz πŸͺ¬'s profile picture

hihi rumor C:

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heyyy! ik u from twt!

by rumor; ; Report

yeah!! :D

by *✧ cirqueclownz πŸͺ¬; ; Report

⛧ Randomist ⛧

⛧ Randomist ⛧'s profile picture

yo! thanks for adding! you have a sick profile.

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thank you!! u too ^_^

by rumor; ; Report

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