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Mood: silly guy who loves horror

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wickdhex 's Interests


Just another silly teenage boy on the internet.Β 

I love music, horror and videogames. Im from MΓ©xico, i have a little dog and a raccoon. I love talking abt almost anything, im very friendly but please be the one who start the conversation, idk how to start one. I'm learning english by my own so please let me know if i misspell something.


I like any kind of music and almost every gender, there's no an specific one. My favorite singer is definitely Mitski, she's my one and i get every song of her. My favorites songs are Wet (Dazey and The Scouts) and A Loving Felling (Mitski). Im open to any of your taste (probably)


Im a big fan of slashers from the 80's and the 90's, even tho i consider they're a little bit dumb and unrealistic, i love to watch em. Horror, rom-coms, comedy, fantasy, any type of movie that can be my new obsession for the next months or just a casual entertainment. My favorite movies are Alice In Wonderland (live action), Scream, and The Craft!!


Same as movies, i like almost anything, but I'll admit im a big fan of teen shows and anything that shows something that i can actually relate to. I love love love Stranger Things and Anne With an E.


I'll be honest, i haven't read any book at this point of my life, just a few that i found at library on elementary school. However, im open to any recommendation that you have and MAYBE ill give it a chance.


I'm not a big fan of movies or series abt super heroes, neither comics. Im just not a big fan. The only heroes that i have said "oh hell yeah they're actually pretty cool" are Invincible, Spider-Man (yes im basic) and Deadpool. Does Deadpool counts? I don't think so actually but oh well.

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About me:

Im very introspective, i know what i am and how can i be. I think im a mature (unique and different ahh) but in a few things, im still 16 so yes i do take bad decisions and regret of so many things. I'm a professional yapper, i can't stop talking im sorry. My friends says im a good listener and i give good advices :]

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