That One Trumpet Kid

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That One Trumpet Kid's Interests


Obviously I love music, I enjoy games, and books


My favorite music genre is metal and power metal. My favorite artists are Metallica and Five Finger Death Punch. Those are not the only people I listen to but my top two. Favorite songs are probably Fade to Black, Remember Everything, and Judgement Day.


I don't watch too many movies I more into series. 


I am currently watching Dexter but I have been trying to get into anime and I really like drama, comedy, and detective shows.


I am relatively new to enjoying books as a hobby so I don't have many to list but I am currently reading the Harry Dresden Files and I love them I am currently on the second book. So from this information I guess I like fantasy and detective novels.


Not too much into superheros Batman has been my favorite thought since childhood.

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That One Trumpet Kid's Blurbs

About me:

I am a male 18 year old. From the United States. I like learning new skills, reading, video games, and playing instruments including: bass, trumpet, trombone, tuna, baritone, guitar, and piano. I guess I'm a nerd lol. I am also a Christian but I do not judge. I also do not support vaping but it's okay if you do.

Who I'd like to meet:

I don't know really my sister kinda made me download this lol. 

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