
bonkmaykr's profile picture

"The only thing greater than knowing is understanding why."

18, United States. Possibly insane.

Last active:

Mood: Lazy

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bonkmaykr's Interests


fps fan (quake, tf2, titanfall). I like AG racers like wipE'out" and BallisticNG. I love 90s era retro computing stuff. WorldsPlayer is cool. probably a bit of a metalhead too.


Rock, Metal, Breakbeat, Trance, Jungle, New Wave, Industrial, Chiptune/Tracker, rarely *some* pop and rap (none of that mumble bullshit)


yeah yeah i'm part of the secret movie cult 8)





Shirou Ogami, Rocket Raccoon

bonkmaykr's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

IMPORTANT!! Google is trying to fuck with us again (view more)

Don't trust me with bottle drinks! (RIP keyboard 2021 - 2023) (view more)

I was hired by Puroto (view more)

The aftermath of MySpace93, Janken's apology, and my final thoughts. (view more)

bonkmaykr's Blurbs

About me:

Former member of MySpace93 prior to it shutting down. I'm a Quake and wipEout nerd, game modder, and a (really bad) computer programmer. I visit very often, and I'm a huge retro web enthusiast and a moderator of btw i use arch
I'm working on a mod manager for Quake Live, and a browser plugin to tweak the UI of Gamebanana. (postponed for now)

Please add my Discord: bonkmaykr#0001
or XMPP:

I only log in here every once in a while.

Find me on! (kangang4014 or yamperfan95).
Want to explore? Ask me for my Worldsmarks file.

Other Pages:
- Personal Site
- Youtube
- Github
- Gamebanana
- Wikipedia (inactive)

Who I'd like to meet:

Really anybody as long as you're not a total nutcase. I try to connect with everybody, but there are a few kinds of people in particular I frequently have trouble with. If you're any of the following:

- Anyone who is way too into a political side, or discriminates blindly based on other's perceived opinions.
- Anyone who does not act their age. I'm very blunt, and I will tell you things you do not like to hear. Handle it with reason.
- Anyone with a drama/attention-whoring addiction.
- People with horrible conversational skills (strawman arguments, inability to sympathize)
- A dozen other obvious things I shouldn't have to mention.

...then we probably won't get along. Remember that respect is a two way lane.

I'm usually not the first one to initiate conversation, if I don't say anything then please feel free to shoot me a comment or DM. I don't typically purge my lists of inactives either, but I might at any time without warning.

some cool quake live gameplay:

some titanfall 2 clips

bonkmaykr's Friends Comments

Displaying 20 of 71 comments ( View all | Add Comment )


Fawkes's profile picture


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Emergency services got snowed in, oops

by bonkmaykr; ; Report


iason's profile picture


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by bonkmaykr; ; Report


Fawkes's profile picture

You remember when it was a brief sensation to just make real looking replicas of stuff out of cake? If you were made of a food object in a similar manner, what food would it be?

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That was a sensation?

by bonkmaykr; ; Report

Popular in media, not that people were learning to bake for themselves.

by Fawkes; ; Report

Regardless, what food would be made out of if you were secretly food?

by Fawkes; ; Report


iason's profile picture

how was wipeout? mario movie was pretty alright. the gorillas are pretty based

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wdym how was, you been watching my psn status? lol

by bonkmaykr; ; Report

OHHHHHHHHHHH i remember during movie night. yeah it was alright i got my butt kicked against a bunch of french players over RPCSN and the netcode kept breaking but it was a good time

by bonkmaykr; ; Report

ah oui, les jouers francais. j'esper que vous avez gagne

by iason; ; Report

I don't think the hope you've expressed there is quite consistent with the notion that bonk got their ass kicked, but I still appreciate the enthusiasm.

by Fawkes; ; Report

lol thank you for the encouragement

by bonkmaykr; ; Report


iason's profile picture

hello i need help

i have completed at long last all the achievements and collectibles for singleplayer burnout paradise...

however now i must complete all the online challenges.

i am trying to assemble people to help me achieve this lifelong goal.

would you, as a burnout paradise owner, like to help me in my quest?

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by Fawkes; ; Report

I can't even get the game to work. In typical EA fashion, it doesn't even launch. I don't even see a window open. I've already tried everything.

by bonkmaykr; ; Report

are you on not-windows?

by iason; ; Report

i tested it on windows

by bonkmaykr; ; Report


by iason; ; Report


iason's profile picture on ultra wide goes hard as hell, especially in cockpit view.

any thoughts on super woden gp2? thinking of doing a playthrough of it with fawkes....

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havent heard of woden gp 2, worth a try for sure

by bonkmaykr; ; Report


Fawkes's profile picture

What's your tf2 main?

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Scout usually

by bonkmaykr; ; Report

Hmm. I used to play a decent amount of scout, but due to having a weird spacebar issue, I have conditioned myself to be used to jumping with scroll wheel, which doesn't work well with scouts double jump, so I don't play scout all that often anymore.

by Fawkes; ; Report

I taught myself gyro aiming such that I could play tf2 at my parents house over thanksgiving. Playing on there might be the thing that gets me to play scout again.

by Fawkes; ; Report

have you since started playing scout?

by iason; ; Report


Fawkes's profile picture

Would you be interested in joining a spacehey movie club?

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Sure! i need something to do on here.

by bonkmaykr; ; Report

I will send an invite.

by Fawkes; ; Report


iason's profile picture

yooooo new bonkmaykr pfp

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iason's profile picture

your status page reminds me of one of the laments in nietzsche's beyond good and evil, in which he basically points to everyone else and basically says "everyone else only learns about the what, they only care about the what, but nobody tries to find out why! we must focus on the whys as well as the whats!"

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should i watch that

by bonkmaykr; ; Report


by Fawkes; ; Report

Fuck oops i should have known

I haven't read a good long book in years, been trying to from time to time but my ADHD gets the better of me and i end up just re-reading a single sentence over and over for minutes, or I gaze off at the wall and then get up and do something else. Still haven't finished White Fang after like 10 years

by bonkmaykr; ; Report

i mean, with a book like this you kinda need to read stuff over a couple times to fully grasp his meaning anyway, so perhaps that works haha

by iason; ; Report

also, beyond good and evil is also a pretty cool videogame (completely unrelated to the book)

by iason; ; Report


Wubz̸̧̙̦͕̠̩̳̱͚̠̗̫̀̈́̿̄͌͂̅̾...'s profile picture

Neat page!

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by bonkmaykr; ; Report


Fawkes's profile picture


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by bonkmaykr; ; Report


by Fawkes; ; Report


by bonkmaykr; ; Report

honk honk

by Fawkes; ; Report


by Fawkes; ; Report


by Fawkes; ; Report


by bonkmaykr; ; Report


by Fawkes; ; Report

Wacky Alex

Wacky Alex's profile picture

Hello again. Hope you're having a great summer!

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hey, thanks! i am

by bonkmaykr; ; Report


Isa's profile picture

who are you

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steve jobs

by bonkmaykr; ; Report

That's not true. Steve Jobs died of ligma.

by Fawkes; ; Report

yeah someone told me to ligma balls so i did it

by bonkmaykr; ; Report

You would be dead

by Fawkes; ; Report

i regenerated

by bonkmaykr; ; Report

Even if all your tissue regenerated, I'm not sure I'd buy that you are living steve jobs

by Fawkes; ; Report

no i've evolved into frankenjobs

by bonkmaykr; ; Report


iason's profile picture

what is typed that in and then the page just wouldn't load.

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don't bother with their website, it's a train wreck and their IT/sysadmin team is basically nonexistent.

by bonkmaykr; ; Report

shall check

by iason; ; Report


Fawkes's profile picture

If you had to design a bakugan named frank, what would it do. The only criteria here is that you make some sort of being that can fold into a ball.

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He rolls around on the ground slowly like that one raccoon GIF (, then stands up awkwardly and asks you to sign his petition to unban the D&D club from the local school.

by bonkmaykr; ; Report


GodOfCream's profile picture


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by bonkmaykr; ; Report

by Fawkes; ; Report

by bonkmaykr; ; Report


iason's profile picture

i used the word bonk today... or, well, bonkers.

i have made a bonk or two today.

call me bonkmaykr 2.

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by bonkmaykr; ; Report

for a bonkconfirmr to exist, one must assume a bonkdenir ought to exist.

who would do such a thing?

by iason; ; Report


by Fawkes; ; Report

the four horsemen of the apocalypse: bonkmaykr, bonkdrinkyr, bonkconfirmyr, bonkdeniyr

by bonkmaykr; ; Report


iason's profile picture

zero books?

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by bonkmaykr; ; Report

the books area is blank.

by iason; ; Report

yea i forgot all the books i really liked

by bonkmaykr; ; Report

it happens to the best of us... i hope you remember eventually

by iason; ; Report

what's eventually never heard of that one

by bonkmaykr; ; Report


iason's profile picture

how does one make a bonk?

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that is a secret i mustn't share

by bonkmaykr; ; Report

understandable. follow-up, what is a bonk?

by iason; ; Report


by bonkmaykr; ; Report

oy vey

by iason; ; Report