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Chilean, 19!

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Bloodcakeu's Interests


I adore my boyfriend, that boy with tired eyes makes me smile. ♡


All styles, I like the variety. 

Lady gaga, the weeknd, Ariana grande, soda stereo,Romeo Santos and ayesha erotica are my main likes. ʚɞ


I don't watch many movies but my favorite will always be Ponyo and Maze Runner (>︿<。). 


Now I'm not into watching television (in fact I don't watch many things like movies or series) but I loved watching 31 minutes, the adventures of billy and mandy, panty and stocking, over the garden wall, Animaniacs and bluey.


Actually, I read more about disorders and child psychology because my career is related to them, but I like to see mangas related to romance, even the darkest.


Spiderman and Hitoshi Shinso. 

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About me:

I don't know much English but I'll do my best,I am a girl (눈‸눈)

I study pedagogy in early childhood education (I have no idea how I managed to get into the University) and the truth is I had no faith in the career but I like it, as expected I like children, their innocence gives me a feeling of protection. It could be said that I am maternal but why lie to them, with very few people I am.

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Inezpinez's profile picture

Your pfp is so cutee!

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TY! <3

by Bloodcakeu; ; Report

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