Batinxy 🦇

Batinxy 🦇's profile picture

"procrastinando ando"

16’ México !!

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Mood: busy

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Batinxy 🦇's Interests


cinematografía, actuación, despersonalización, músicando, tkd, ajedrez, su sueño frustrado fue jugar fútbol y le encantaría tocar el violín y ser baterista loolm ª y la guitarra eléctrica pipipi


girl in red- cuartetoo - the neighborhood - måneskin - isabel larosa, - phonk drift - etcc ,,,


Queen’s Gambit


el canal 5, el chavo del 8 ‼️

Young Justice

Scooby Doo




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Batinxy 🦇's Blurbs

About me:

movies, imagining, music, DC, Scooby, (although it leaves me scared uhm) and idk, a lot and at the same time, a little

jugador de ajedrez

Who I'd like to meet:

because:       , and      , and      , and yeah 😿 and I tell you something very filling in life 🛌

Batinxy 🦇's Friend Space

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Batinxy 🦇 has 2 friends.

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Search Users: Search Help | LogOut Home Browse Search Messages Blog Bulletins Forum Groups Layouts Favs Invite App Shop About ★Hito★ "procastinate"8teen • intj • taurus • draw • music • videogames • animals.Last active: 1 month ago Mood: bored View my: Blog | Forum Topics Contacting ★Hito★ Pending Request Remove Favorite Send Message Forward to Friend Instant Message Block User Add to Group Report User SpaceHey URL: ★Hito★'s Interests General pronouns : he/him. BYF I usually insult a lot and sometimes I flash confidence. DFI anti of any of my favs, -15, we have nothing in common, transphobic, homophobic. Music R&B, Khh, Trap, KR&B, Boleros and more... (I am an indecisive person with varied tastes) Movies Call me by your name The Danish Girl Television South Park, The Simpsons, Futurama, Adventure time, Steven universe, over the garden wall, Regular Show, on my block, Mr. pickles Content Creators sapnap, Tubbo, karl, tina, foolish, dream, george, carre, robleis, rubius, quackity, ranboo, rodezel, spreen, Wilbur, Tommy, Billzo. Games minecraft, roblox, stardew valley, sniper elite, mortal kombat, street fighter, pou. Books The alchemist Demian Heroes Juan Carlos Bodoque ★Hito★'s Links Twitter @LVSTUBB0 Pinterest @miscellaneousshit ★Hito★'s Latest Blog Entries [View Blog] There are no Blog Entries yet. ★Hito★'s Blurbs About me: @import url(''); body{ font-family: 'new rocker', cursive; font-size: 120%; } body{background:url("") no-repeat fixed; background-size:cover;} } <style> nav .top, footer{ background:url( } footer p{ color:white; } img:hover{ filter:sepia(100%) saturate(0) blur(1px); animation: shake 1s; animation-iteration-count: infinite; } @keyframes shake{ 0% {transform: translate(1px, 1px) rotate(0deg);} 10% {transform: translate(-1px, -2px) rotate(-1deg);} 20% {transform: translate(-2px, 0px) rotate(1deg);} 30% {transform: translate(2px, 2px) rotate(0deg);} 40% {transform: translate(1px, -1px) rotate(1deg);} 50% {transform: translate(-1px, 2px) rotate(-1deg);} 60% {transform: translate(-2px, 1px) rotate(0deg);} 70% {transform: translate(2px, 1px) rotate(-1deg);} 80% {transform: translate(-1px, -1px) rotate(1deg);} 90% {transform: translate(1px, 2px) rotate(0deg);} 100% {transform: translate(1px, -2px) rotate(-1deg);} } :root{ --red: #000000; 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} nav .links{ background-color: black; text-align: center; } .profile .url-info { display: none; } main, footer { background-color: transparent; } .friends:not(#comments) { margin-bottom: 10px; } .comments-table { border: none; border-spacing: 5px; } .profile-pic { background-color: black!important; padding: 15px; } .heading { background-color: black!important; } td { background-color: black!important; } table.comments-table{ display: block; height: 400px!important; overflow-y: scroll; } * {cursor: url(, url(, auto !important;} Who I'd like to meet: I would like to meet people with similar tastes to mine and their mothers as well. ★Hito★'s Friend Space [view all] ★Hito★ has 9 friends. maria Wubzilla MARY GOORE Leo ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶ Evan! Sunny Castform HAKU SpaceHey ★Hito★'s Friends Comments Displaying 1 of 1 comments ( View all | Add Comment ) Wubzilla 5 months ago Super cool page! Report Comment Add Reply brought to you by tibush labs Disclaimer: This is a fan-based project and is not affiliated with MySpace® in any way. About News Rules Press Brand Credits RSS Terms Privacy Imprint Contact Report Abuse Status SpaceHey Shop ©2020-2024 All Rights Reserved.