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"wasting time, y'know?"

Hmm... cupcakes

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𐙚𝖬౿ 𝗀υડ𝗍ɑ𐓣 ოυɕ𝗁𝗈 ᥣɑડ ɕ𝗈ડɑડ ᑲ𝗈𐓣ꪱᜒ𝗍ɑડ, ოꪱᜒ౿𐓣𝗍𝗋ɑડ ოáડ ρ౿𝗊υ౿ñɑડ ડ౿ɑ𐓣, ¡ო౿ʝ𝗈𝗋!

𐙚𝖬౿ 𝗀υડ𝗍ɑ 𝗍౿𐓣౿𝗋 ρ౿ᥣυɕ𝗁౿ડ ɑᑯ𝗈𝗋ɑᑲᥣ౿ડ ɣ ᑯ𝗈𝗋ოꪱᜒ𝗋 ɕ𝗈𐓣 ౿ᥣᥣ𝗈ડ, 𐓣𝗈 ო౿ ɑ𝗏౿𝗋𝗀ü౿𐓣ʑ𝗈. 

𐙚𝖬౿ 𝗀υડ𝗍ɑ ოυɕ𝗁𝗈 ᥣɑડ ოɑ𐓣υɑᥣꪱᜒᑯɑᑯ౿ડ ɣ ᥣ𝗈ડ ρ౿𝗊υ౿ñ𝗈ડ ᑯ౿𝗍ɑᥣᥣ౿ડ

𐙚𝖠ρ𝗋౿ɕꪱᜒ𝗈 ოυɕ𝗁𝗈 ડꪱᜒ ɑᥣ𝗀υꪱᜒ౿𐓣 ᥣ౿ 𝗀υડ𝗍ɑ ოꪱᜒડ 𝗋౿𝗀ɑᥣ𝗈ડ >ᴗ<

𐙚𝖬౿ 𝗀υડ𝗍ɑ𐓣 ᥣ𝗈ડ ოɑ𐓣𝗁⍵ɑડ 𝖡𝖫, ƙ-ᑯ𝗋ɑოɑડ ɣ ౿ᥣ ƙ-ρ𝗈ρ ヾ( ˃ᴗ˂ )◞ • *✰

𐙚Τɑოᑲꪱᜒé𐓣 ო౿ 𝗀υડ𝗍ɑ 𝗍౿𐓣౿𝗋 ɕ𝗈𐓣𝗍ɑɕ𝗍𝗈 𝖿íડꪱᜒɕ𝗈, ɑυ𐓣𝗊υ౿ ડꪱᜒ౿𐓣𝗍𝗈 𝗊υ౿ ౿ડ𝗈 ꪱᜒ𐓣ɕ𝗈ო𝗈ᑯɑ ɑ ɑᥣ𝗀υ𐓣𝗈ડ…₍𐙚ᐢ..ᐢ₎

𐙚𝖲𝗈ɣ ɑᥣ𝗀𝗈 ρ౿𝗋𝖿౿ɕɕꪱᜒ𝗈𐓣ꪱᜒડ𝗍ɑ, ɑડí 𝗊υ౿ ო౿ 𝗀υડ𝗍ɑ 𝗍౿𐓣౿𝗋 𝗍𝗈ᑯ𝗈 ρ౿𝗋𝖿౿ɕ𝗍𝗈 ɣ ౿𐓣 𝗈𝗋ᑯ౿𐓣 

𐙚𝖬ꪱᜒડ 𝖿𝗋υ𝗍ɑડ 𝖿ɑ𝗏𝗈𝗋ꪱᜒ𝗍ɑડ ડ𝗈𐓣 ᥣɑ ᑲɑ𐓣ɑ𐓣ɑ ɣ ౿ᥣ ოɑ𐓣𝗀𝗈

𐙚𝖠ᑯ౿ოáડ ᑯ౿ ᥣ𝗈ડ 𝗀ɑ𝗍𝗈ડ ɣ 𝗁áოડ𝗍౿𝗋౿ડ, ¡𝗍ɑოᑲꪱᜒé𐓣 ო౿ 𝗀υડ𝗍ɑ𐓣 ᥣɑડ 𐓣υ𝗍𝗋ꪱᜒɑડ, ᑯ౿ᥣ𝖿ꪱᜒ𐓣౿ડ ɣ 𝖿𝗈ɕɑડ! 𝖸 𝗍𝗈ᑯ𝗈ડ ᥣ𝗈ડ ɑ𐓣ꪱᜒოɑᥣ౿ડ 𝗊υ౿ ᥣυʑɕɑ𐓣 ɑᑯ𝗈𝗋ɑᑲᥣ౿ડ, ɕ𝗈ო𝗈 ᥣ𝗈ડ 𝗍ꪱᜒᑲυ𝗋𝗈𐓣౿ડ. 𝖲𝗈𐓣 υ𐓣 ᥣꪱᜒ𐓣ᑯ𝗈 ɑ𐓣ꪱᜒოɑᥣ ડꪱᜒ ડ౿ 𝖿ꪱᜒʝɑ𐓣 ᑲꪱᜒ౿𐓣.



𐙚¡𝖬౿ 𝗀υડ𝗍ɑ ౿ડɕυɕ𝗁ɑ𝗋 ოúડꪱᜒɕɑ 𝗍𝗈ᑯ𝗈 𝗍ꪱᜒρ𝗈! 

𝖯౿𝗋𝗈 𐓣𝗈 ડ𝗈ɣ ოυɣ 𝖿ɑ𐓣 ᑯ౿ᥣ ო౿𝗍ɑᥣ 𝗈 𝗁౿ɑ𝗏ɣ ო౿𝗍ɑᥣ

(੭ ˊ^ˋ)੭ ♡


𐙚𝖬౿ 𝗀υડ𝗍ɑ ᥣɑ ρ౿ᥣíɕυᥣɑ ᑯ౿ ‘‘𝖫ɑડ 𝗏౿𐓣𝗍ɑʝɑડ ᑯ౿ ડ౿𝗋 ꪱᜒ𐓣𝗏ꪱᜒડꪱᜒᑲᥣ౿’’ 𝗈 ౿𐓣 ꪱᜒ𐓣𝗀ᥣéડ, ‘’𝖯౿𝗋ƙડ 𝗈𝖿 𝖡౿ꪱᜒ𐓣𝗀 ɑ Ԝɑᥣᥣ𝖿ᥣ𝗈⍵౿𝗋’’ 

𐙚Τɑოᑲꪱᜒé𐓣 ო౿ 𝗀υડ𝗍ɑ ‘’𝖨𐓣𝗈ɕ౿𐓣ɕꪱᜒɑ 𝖨𐓣𝗍౿𝗋𝗋υოρꪱᜒᑯɑ’’ (𝖦ꪱᜒ𝗋ᥣ, ꪱᜒ𐓣𝗍౿𝗋𝗋υρ𝗍౿ᑯ), 𝖢𝗈𝗋ɑᥣꪱᜒ𐓣౿, 𝖬౿𝗀ɑო౿𐓣𝗍౿ (𝖬౿𝗀ɑოꪱᜒ𐓣ᑯ), 𝖠ડ𝗍𝗋𝗈ᑲ𝗈ɣ, ¡ɣ Ԝɑᥣᥣ-𝖤! 

(♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈)


𐙚𝖭𝗈 ડ𝗈ɣ ᑯ౿ 𝗏౿𝗋 ოυɕ𝗁ɑ 𝗍౿ᥣ౿𝗏ꪱᜒડꪱᜒó𐓣, ડ𝗈ᥣ𝗈 ᑯꪱᜒ𝗋é 𝗊υ౿ ო౿ 𝗀υડ𝗍ɑ𐓣 ᥣ𝗈ડ ρ𝗋𝗈𝗀𝗋ɑოɑડ ᑯ౿ ოꪱᜒ ꪱᜒ𐓣𝖿ɑ𐓣ɕꪱᜒɑ 𝗈 𝗏౿𝗋 ડ౿𝗋ꪱᜒ౿ડ 𝗊υ౿ ო౿ 𝗀υડ𝗍ɑ𐓣. (๑•᎑•๑)


𐙚𝖭𝗈 ડ𝗈ɣ ᑯ౿ ᥣ౿౿𝗋 ოυɕ𝗁𝗈ડ ᥣꪱᜒᑲ𝗋𝗈ડ… 𐓣𝗈 𝗍౿𐓣𝗀𝗈 ɑᥣ𝗀υ𐓣𝗈 𝗊υ౿ ო౿ 𝗀υડ𝗍౿. (ó﹏ò。)


Héɿoǝƨ Ɉɒl vǝz mi ʜombɿǝ, Ɔɒin γ ꓷooƨʜiʞ. ¡Y ꓷowon įυnɈo ɒ mí imɒϱinɒɔión!

𝖲𝗈ᥣ𝗈 ડ𝗈ɣ υ𐓣ɑ ρ౿𝗋ડ𝗈𐓣ɑ ꪱᜒ𐓣𝗀౿𐓣υɑ ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹

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  ★ ! 00 · ꪱᜒ𐓣𝖿ρ ˙ 희망 

        — 🎧 !! 𝘴𝘪𝘹𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 

 ──★ ˙ ̟ 

                                                    ˗ ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗

¡𝖧𝗈ᥣɑ! 𝖬౿ ρυ౿ᑯ౿𐓣 ᥣᥣɑოɑ𝗋 𝖠ᥣ౿𝗑 𝗈 𝖠ᥣ౿𝗑ꪱᜒ౿  ₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎

¡𝖬౿ 𝗀υડ𝗍ɑ𐓣 ᥣ𝗈ડ 𝗀ɑ𝗍𝗈ડ ɣ ᥣ𝗈ડ 𝗁áოડ𝗍౿𝗋ડ!


   (˚ˎ 。7  



𝖬ꪱᜒ ɕ𝗈ᥣ𝗈𝗋 𝖿ɑ𝗏𝗈𝗋ꪱᜒ𝗍𝗈 ౿ડ ౿ᥣ ɑʑυᥣ ɣ ᥣꪱᜒᥣɑ >ᴗ<

¡𝖲𝗈ɣ υ𐓣ɑ ρ౿𝗋ડ𝗈𐓣ɑ ɑᥣ𝗀𝗈 𝗍íოꪱᜒᑯɑ ɣ ɕɑᥣᥣɑᑯɑ, ო౿ 𝗀υડ𝗍ɑ𝗋íɑ 𝗊υ౿ 𝖿υ౿𝗋ɑ𐓣 ρɑɕꪱᜒ౿𐓣𝗍౿ડ ɕ𝗈𐓣ოꪱᜒ𝗀𝗈! ૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა

Τɑოᑲꪱᜒé𐓣 ო౿ 𝗀υડ𝗍ɑ ᑯꪱᜒᑲυʝɑ𝗋 ɕ𝗈ડɑડ ᑲ𝗈𐓣ꪱᜒ𝗍ɑડ :3 ɣ ౿ડɕυɕ𝗁ɑ𝗋 ოúડꪱᜒɕɑ ოꪱᜒ౿𐓣𝗍𝗋ɑડ ᥣ𝗈 𝗁ɑ𝗀𝗈

𝖠ᑯ𝗈𝗋𝗈 ౿ᥣ ρɑ𐓣 ᑯ౿ ɑʝ𝗈 ɣ ᥣ𝗈ડ ᑯ౿ᑯ𝗈ડ ᑯ౿ 𝗊υ౿ડ𝗈 ^υ^

𝖬౿ 𝗀υડ𝗍ɑ ოυɕ𝗁𝗈 ɕυɑ𐓣ᑯ𝗈 ɑᥣ𝗀υꪱᜒ౿𐓣 𝗍𝗈ოɑ ౿ᥣ 𝗍ꪱᜒ౿ოρ𝗈 ᑯ౿ ౿ડɕυɕ𝗁ɑ𝗋ო౿, ᥣ𝗈 ɑρ𝗋౿ɕꪱᜒ𝗈 ოυɕ𝗁𝗈 

¡𝖬౿ 𝗀υડ𝗍ɑ𐓣 ᥣɑડ 𐓣𝗈ɕ𝗁౿ડ, ડꪱᜒ౿𐓣𝗍𝗈 𝗊υ౿ 𝗁ɑɣ ოáડ ρɑʑ ɣ 𝗍𝗋ɑ𐓣𝗊υꪱᜒᥣꪱᜒᑯɑᑯ ɑυ𐓣𝗊υ౿ 𝗍ɑოᑲꪱᜒé𐓣 ɑᑯ𝗈𝗋𝗈 𝗏౿𝗋 ౿ᥣ ɑ𝗍ɑ𝗋ᑯ౿ɕ౿𝗋! 

𝖲𝗈ɣ ɑᥣ𝗀𝗈 ρɑɕí𝖿ꪱᜒɕɑ, 𝗈ᑯꪱᜒ𝗈 ᥣ𝗈ડ ɕ𝗈𐓣𝖿ᥣꪱᜒɕ𝗍𝗈ડ 

꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹

𝖲ꪱᜒ౿ოρ𝗋౿ 𝗁౿ ρ౿𐓣ડɑᑯ𝗈 𝗊υ౿ ౿ડ ო౿ʝ𝗈𝗋 𝗁ɑɕ౿𝗋 ᥣɑ ρɑʑ ɣ 𐓣𝗈 ᥣɑ 𝗀υ౿𝗋𝗋ɑ ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡

¡𝖬౿ ౿𐓣ɕɑ𐓣𝗍ɑ ᥣɑ ɕ𝗈ოυ𐓣ꪱᜒɕɑɕꪱᜒó𐓣, ડꪱᜒ ɑᥣ𝗀𝗈 𝗍౿ ო𝗈ᥣ౿ડ𝗍ɑ ᑯíო౿ᥣ𝗈! ₍𐙚ᐢ..ᐢ₎

¡𝖦𝗋ɑɕꪱᜒɑડ 𝗍𝗈ოɑ𝗋 𝗍υ 𝗍ꪱᜒ౿ოρ𝗈 ρɑ𝗋ɑ ᥣ౿౿𝗋 ౿ડ𝗍𝗈 ρ౿𝗋ડ𝗈𐓣ꪱᜒ𝗍ɑ ᥣꪱᜒ𐓣ᑯɑ! 𝖤ડρ౿𝗋𝗈 𝗍౿𐓣𝗀ɑડ υ𐓣 ᥣꪱᜒ𐓣ᑯ𝗈 ᑯíɑ ɕ𝗈ო𝗈 𝗍ú. ₍^ >ヮ<^₎ .ᐟ.ᐟ

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¡𝖬౿ 𝗀υડ𝗍ɑ𝗋íɑ ɕ𝗈𐓣𝗈ɕ౿𝗋 ɑ 𝖩౿𝗈𐓣𝗀ɣ౿𝗈𐓣 ᑯ౿ Τ⍵ꪱᜒɕ౿! ৻( •̀ ᗜ •́ ৻)

𝖸𝗈 𝗊υꪱᜒડꪱᜒ౿𝗋ɑ ꪱᜒ𝗋 ɑ υ𐓣 ɕ𝗈𐓣ɕꪱᜒ౿𝗋𝗍𝗈 ᑯ౿ 𝖬౿ᥣɑ𐓣ꪱᜒ౿ 𝖬ɑ𝗋𝗍í𐓣౿ʑ ɣ ɕ𝗈𐓣𝗈ɕ౿𝗋ᥣɑ

Τɑოᑲꪱᜒé𐓣 ო౿ 𝗀υડ𝗍ɑ𝗋íɑ ɕ𝗈𐓣𝗈ɕ౿𝗋 ɑ ᥣɑ ρ౿𝗋ડ𝗈𐓣ɑ ᑯ౿ ოꪱᜒડ ડυ౿ñ𝗈ડ…૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა

                            ⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅

 𝖯౿𝗋𝗈 ડꪱᜒ ౿ડ ρɑ𝗋ɑ ρ౿𝗋ડ𝗈𐓣ɑડ... ო౿ 𝗀υડ𝗍ɑ𝗋íɑ 𝗊υ౿ 𝖿υ౿𝗋ɑ𐓣 ɑოɑᑲᥣ౿ડ ɣ 𝖿υ౿𝗋ɑ𐓣 ɕ𝗈ოυ𐓣ꪱᜒɕɑ𝗍ꪱᜒ𝗏𝗈ડ. 

𝖭𝗈 ო౿ 𝗀υડ𝗍ɑ 𝗊υ౿ ડ౿ɑ𐓣 ᑯ౿ოɑડꪱᜒɑᑯ𝗈 𝖿𝗋í𝗈ડ, ო౿ ᑯɑ ოꪱᜒ౿ᑯ𝗈 ડ౿𝗀υꪱᜒ𝗋ᥣ౿ડ 𝗁ɑᑲᥣɑ𐓣ᑯ𝗈... (ó﹏ò。)

Τɑოᑲꪱᜒé𐓣, 𝗊υꪱᜒડꪱᜒ౿𝗋ɑ ɕ𝗈𐓣𝗈ɕ౿𝗋 ɑ ɑᥣ𝗀υꪱᜒ౿𐓣 ᥣꪱᜒ𐓣ᑯ𝗈 ɣ ડ౿𐓣ડꪱᜒᑲᥣ౿ ɕ𝗈ო𝗈 ɣ𝗈. ₍𐙚ᐢ..ᐢ₎

𝖱౿ɕ𝗈ოꪱᜒ౿𐓣ᑯ𝗈 𝗊υ౿ 𐓣𝗈ડ ოυᑯɑო𝗈ડ ɑ υ𐓣 ᥣυ𝗀ɑ𝗋 ოáડ ᑲ𝗈𐓣ꪱᜒ𝗍𝗈 ɣ ɑρ𝗍𝗈 ρɑ𝗋ɑ 𐓣𝗈ડ𝗈𝗍𝗋𝗈ડ ᥣ𝗈ડ 𝗊υ౿ ᥣᥣ𝗈𝗋ɑო𝗈ડ ρ𝗈𝗋 𝗍𝗈ᑯ𝗈 (´。• ◡ •。`) ♡

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