
"eating large burger"
17, he/him
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Mood: sillay
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bald spots and puters and radiohead |
Music |
Radiohead.! Thom Yorke, Sigur Rรณs, R.E.M, Autechre, Glass Beach, Bjรถrk, Boards of Canada, Swans, Elliott Smith, Car Seat Headrest, Patricia Taxxon, Lena Raine..... oi |
Movies |
Phantom Thread, Meeting People is Easy, Heathers |
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Breaking Bad, Lain, House MD |
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Stone Butch Blues |
Heroes |
Mom |
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dont get me started on dont get me started badumtss (view more)
i try using cakewalk and its not a cakewalk (view more)
i like celeste who is surprised (view more)
la la (view more)
by jam; ; Report