he/him. junior.
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Mood: l34rn1ng.. h34dhurt...
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antisocial's Interests
General |
Neir Automata. r/nosleep. Horror games. |
Music |
Joji. Yameii. Phonk (various artists). |
Movies |
Avatar (The first one). |
Television |
Breaking Bad. Junji Ito: Maniac. |
Books |
None, I don't read. |
Heroes |
Edd Gould. |
antisocial's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]
Sch00l.. (view more)
My N4m3 4nd Pr0n0uns (My Name and Pronouns) (view more)
antisocial's Blurbs
About me:
h1, 1'm k41d3n. 1d0n't l1k3 4 l0t 0f th1ngs tbh 1'm t1r3d 4nd b4d 4t r3ply1ng 1f 1 l1k3 y0u 1'll g1v3 y0u 4n0th3r f0rm 0f c0mmun1c4tion 1 w1ll m4k3 p0sts 4b0ut my l1f3, my 0cs, and my f4v0r1t3 c0nt3nt g00dby3 +-------------------------------------------------+ Hi, I'm Kaiden. I don't like a lot of things tbh. I'm tired and bad at replying. If I like you I'll give you another form of communication. I will make posts about my life, my OCs, and my favorite content. Goodbye.
Who I'd like to meet:
p30pl3 wh0 th1nk 1'm c00l p30pl3 wh0 w1sh t0 sh4r3 0cs 0r rp w1th th3m People who think I'm cool. People who wish to share OCs or RP with them.
antisocial's Friend Space
[view all]antisocial has 4 friends.
antisocial's Friends Comments
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VITTY!!! |
haiii!!!! spreadz luv on ur page forcibly using my friendship bazooka !!!! >x33!!!! ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ່࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏~♡ |
gl4d y0ur3 h3r3 :P
(Glad you're here :P)
by antisocial; ; Report