anh ๐“ˆ’โœ™

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chileanโ€๏ฝก๐“ŽŸ๐“ŽŸ๐“ŽŸ๐“ŽŸ๏ฝกโ€โ€ac; cw56vvvrin_

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Mood: reading harada's work

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anh ๐“ˆ’โœ™'s Interests


i lov rhythm games, big fan of psychological horror visual novels like the catalogue mandele, the smile infection, among others, also a great lover of tokyo revengers! (TR fan since 2021 I long for any contact with TR fans) I LOVE FRAN BOW & SALLY FACE :33 'nd sometimes I cosplay!!


MALICE MIZER ENJOYER!!, TV girl, Ghouljaboy, rojuu, Depresiรณn Sonora, Orslok, Saramalacara, mitski, Melted Ice Cream, 16bits, alequi, Rebzyyx, Jack Staubber, Aiko el grupo, neru, pankky, 3rajean, 9ckles I listen to practically everything, from technical music to classical music, but I mainly listen to the hyperpop or op & end style of animes


Dahmer, #vivo, world war Z, a silent voice, BSD DEAD APPLE, BSD BEAST (Live Action), JJK 0, A ENJOYER OF THE STUDIO GHIBLI'S WORK >_< (Ilove ponyo, the incredible vagabond castle and the kid and the heron 'nd more off that studio) HUUUGE FAN OF PERFECT BLUE, THE END OF EVANGELION & PAPRIKA!! recommend me any psychological stuff :3




anh ๐“ˆ’โœ™'s Links

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spanish; storytime corto (view more)

anh ๐“ˆ’โœ™'s Blurbs

About me:

It may take me a while to respond to things. any pronoun is welcome and i'm eighteen ^_^ i'm straight transmasc and I really like to talk about anime, manga, theories about x anime (mainly bsd, jjk and tokyo revengers), the most I spend part of the time listening to music and being active on discord: jadorekaiser i'm a big fan of Fyodor Dostoyevski 'nd Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji enjoyer i'm not a friend hoarder!! i'm just terrible at starting conversations ( ;ยด - `;) I speak spanish!! and a bit of russian but i'm not very good with english or russian so i can only speak spanish or a bit of english:3
Black Bat

Who I'd like to meet:

Gloomy bear

anh ๐“ˆ’โœ™'s Friends Comments

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ryoka :3

ryoka :3's profile picture

amo tu perfil, muy wonito (โ”€wโ”€);3

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GRACIAS!! el tuyo tmb es mui bonito :3

by anh ๐“ˆ’โœ™; ; Report