Mr. Mandelbrot

Mr. Mandelbrot's profile picture

"Accomplishments are transient."


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Mr. Mandelbrot's Interests


◦finding new hobbies
◦playing guitar


◦experimental things

vibe with you emos (I'm not okay either)

bands i like

fugazi, at the drive in, minor threat, radiohead, the notwist, sunny day real estate, cap'n jazz, jesus lizard, pixies, nirvana, title fight, alice in chains,...


◦watchmen(not the movie)
◦hitchhikers guide(not the movie)
◦rick and morty
◦jeff who lives at home
◦the parfume(book)
◦Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
◦Everything Everywhere All at Once

𝒷 𝑒 𝓅 𝒾 𝓈


◦weirdos and freaks
◦some god for sure


Incase you can read this, something is wrong with my profile... just ignore it like your family ignores you. Have a nice day hypothetical reader!


Okay I just checked and it appears that you can see that on some versions... the whole interests section has different names and the last 2 are missing so just pretend like this isn't happening like you failing school. Have a nice day you little unlucky fella!

Mr. Mandelbrot's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

Sketchbook highlights Nov2024 (view more)

7 day drawing practice. (view more)

Does anyone ever think about how... (view more)

out of the loop (view more)

how the fuck do blogs work?!? (view more)

Mr. Mandelbrot's Blurbs

About me:

How happy is the blameless vestal's lot. The world forgetting, by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd

Who I'd like to meet:

a super bad website

celeste classic

guitar hero(ehh kind of)

*(Behind the tree.).

a perfectly normal guide to magic

mcr flash game sweet revenge

mcr flash game Helena

click here to bully Jeff, my pocket emo

js paint (browser ms paint)

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Mr. Mandelbrot's Friends Comments

Displaying 6 of 6 comments ( View all | Add Comment )


MetalHeart's profile picture

Nice layout! ^^

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Thanks! I stole the base and then changed it, so I don't know if I deserve it :')

by Mr. Mandelbrot; ; Report


NIKITλ's profile picture

im putting you under a microscope

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Haha you won't catch the end of me, because it doesn't exist!!

by Mr. Mandelbrot; ; Report


Sofiaanasthesia's profile picture

Wow ur so cool, thx for adding me!

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I appreciate it!

by Mr. Mandelbrot; ; Report


hailey's profile picture

YOU SEEM SO AWESOME thanks 4 adding me lol

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TrashBamdit_'s profile picture

Thanks for the add u seem cool :D

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You seem cool too:D I love comics!!!

by Mr. Mandelbrot; ; Report

Ooh what’s ur fav?

by TrashBamdit_; ; Report

uhh there is this cute 4(or 5 idk) issue comic called "tear us apart".
Then there is "Neverboy". That's from the other guy who worked on Umbrella Academy and the Killjoy comics(Shaun Simon). +Scott Pilgrim and the Killjoy comics=comfort space.
Haven't read new stuff in a while and I basically lost all of my digital comics so I can't read right now.

by Mr. Mandelbrot; ; Report

Awe :( those are all so fire! Killjoys comics and Scott pilgrim is great, I just bought neverboy like yesterday. I’m reading Dead Boy Detectives rn (it’s part of the sandman uni)

by TrashBamdit_; ; Report

Waaah you know Neverboy!
I started watching the deadboy detectives show and I didn't like it. How different is the comics?

by Mr. Mandelbrot; ; Report

G30rg!3 XD

G30rg!3 XD 's profile picture

Dude I love that MCR game XD

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then you will love that there are two!!!

by Mr. Mandelbrot; ; Report

Omg omg omg I love them both!!!!! YAYYYYY!!!!!

by G30rg!3 XD; ; Report