Aes Saru

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" You can find me here"

36, US

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Aes Saru's Interests


Art, Pixel art, Games,Story writing, Vtubing, Sketching Games include : Pso1, Psu, Pso2, Pso2:NGS, any RPG'S, Shooters (like doom, Quake and Unreal ), Any Fighter games, Sega games and Ecta.






Dont have any. Like legit.

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About me:

He/him, They/Them. A Animator, a Gamedev, a Artist,a Vtuber and a Gamer. space pirate Fox boy. My info: My Twitch My Linktree Dragons: Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today! My political Stance is A Egohumanist Stances as well as being a Anarchist style leftist. However I see this as a more about Making sure people get the freedom they need to exist as I believe all Beings have that much of a right to exist and be free to do what they need to do to survive.

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Aes Saru's Friends Comments

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sarah ♡

sarah ♡'s profile picture

thank you for the add!!
happy sunday ♡

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No problem

by Aes Saru; ; Report