
-__Ace__- 's profile picture

"New spacehey! Spacehey.com/frmundrrthcorktree"

14 || U.S :3

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Mood: I have new spacehey

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-__Ace__- 's Interests


I rllyz like drawingz, I play instrumentz, I like making fun lil craftz azwell!!! +Gacha

I'll probably make youz lil drawingz and if you do gacha or like gacha I canz make u characterz!!!!!!!!!! I'm more on the emo side of alternative 3: I wanna b scenemo but we can't always achieve our dreams D: DAZ OKI THO!!!!!!!! 

I like dangonronpa, MHA, invader zim, MCR, Naruto, Haikyuu, DND(dungeons and dragons), MTG(magic the gathering), RTC(ride the cyclone), Little Shop of Horrors, and twilight!!!!!!!!





•Panic! At the disco

•Falling in reverse

•Did I say My chemical Romance?

•Gerard way solo music 

•All time low

•Jordan sweeto


The c0njuringzz!!!! Or the Annabelle movies :P l0lzZz


My little pony count?

I rllyz like invader zim ^^


Girl in pieces, hells followed with us, others :3


Gerard way <33

Frank Iero

Ray toro

Mikey way

Jeff the killer <33

-__Ace__- 's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

PICC :D (view more)

MCR LYRICS!! (view more)

JUST BS. (view more)

goodnights <3 (view more)

idk (view more)

-__Ace__- 's Blurbs

About me:

Y000!! I'm Ace or tommyzz XP...- I'm a min0r so plz be r3sp3ctful(AS IN IM 14.) ^^ they/them pr0n0unzzz. I have a new spacehey!!! www.spacehey.com/frmundrrthcorktree

Who I'd like to meet:

S0m3 friends around 12 -15!!! Scene pplz... Emo pplz... Goth pplz... Any pplz! Just no h0moph0b3z or transph0b3z, orr z00s, and anyone who identifys as a MAP(minor attracted person), you guys r not welc0me >:[

-__Ace__- 's Friends Comments

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