
"New spacehey! Spacehey.com/frmundrrthcorktree"
14 || U.S :3
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Mood: I have new spacehey
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Contacting -__Ace__-
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-__Ace__- 's Interests
General |
I rllyz like drawingz, I play instrumentz, I like making fun lil craftz azwell!!! +Gacha I'll probably make youz lil drawingz and if you do gacha or like gacha I canz make u characterz!!!!!!!!!! I'm more on the emo side of alternative 3: I wanna b scenemo but we can't always achieve our dreams D: DAZ OKI THO!!!!!!!! I like dangonronpa, MHA, invader zim, MCR, Naruto, Haikyuu, DND(dungeons and dragons), MTG(magic the gathering), RTC(ride the cyclone), Little Shop of Horrors, and twilight!!!!!!!! |
Music |
•MCR •Leathermouth •Paramore!! •Panic! At the disco •Falling in reverse •Did I say My chemical Romance? •Gerard way solo music •All time low •Jordan sweeto |
Movies |
The c0njuringzz!!!! Or the Annabelle movies :P l0lzZz |
Television |
My little pony count? I rllyz like invader zim ^^ |
Books |
Girl in pieces, hells followed with us, others :3 |
Heroes |
Gerard way <33 Frank Iero Ray toro Mikey way Jeff the killer <33 |
-__Ace__- 's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]
PICC :D (view more)
MCR LYRICS!! (view more)
JUST BS. (view more)
goodnights <3 (view more)
idk (view more)
-__Ace__- 's Blurbs
About me:
Y000!! I'm Ace or tommyzz XP...- I'm a min0r so plz be r3sp3ctful(AS IN IM 14.) ^^ they/them pr0n0unzzz. I have a new spacehey!!! www.spacehey.com/frmundrrthcorktree
Who I'd like to meet:
S0m3 friends around 12 -15!!! Scene pplz... Emo pplz... Goth pplz... Any pplz! Just no h0moph0b3z or transph0b3z, orr z00s, and anyone who identifys as a MAP(minor attracted person), you guys r not welc0me >:[
-__Ace__- 's Friend Space
[view all]-__Ace__- has 35 friends.
-__Ace__- 's Friends Comments
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