Alexis Jhon

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"Making the unforeseeable future foreseeable."

16 yo, Philippines, computer guy, he/him

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Mood: It's school newspaper season everyone

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Alexis Jhon's Interests


Computing, in general. Specifically old desktop environments, and obscure GUIs. Probably not always as I have a sweet spot for games. Maybe sailing the seven seas.


Snyth pop, City pop, indie rock, Tally Hall, memes, classical. And yes, I classify Tally Hall as it's own genre.


I don't watch movies that often but I prefer not to watch some horror movies, I seen real sh*t before.


Maybe dubbed anime, or cartoons, and some newscasts. The telenovelas here are getting too old-fashioned, with the same mistress shizz. I do not watch TV often nowadays tho...


1984 by George Orwell. Some things in that book still applies with our current human civilization. And me dusty yellow pages. I tend to read and write my own entries off from my grimoire though.


Lloyd from EarthBound Beginnings, maybe? I mean we share some traits. As a kid, I like Spider-Man. And maybe Jeremy Donaldson from Not for Broadcast.

Alexis Jhon's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

School Break Roundup (view more)

hello world! (view more)

Alexis Jhon's Blurbs

About me:

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My name's Alexis, I'm a teen who is interested into computing. I also daily drive Linux since July 2023.

I make stuff out of procastination and boredom. I like to write stories too. I'm interested in many things (see the table), and aside from that, I worked on things like the Adelle desktop environment and (WIP) The Blue Pages standard.

I hope you like my page here in SpaceHey! I'm always active on other platforms such as Discord. But don't fret, I will still respond to your stuff when given time to.

I believe that software must be preserved and accessed by everyone, without a paywall or burden, especially video games. I also believe that the web must be free, and open to everyone, contributing to a bit of it, and making sure that information can be sent without any problems.

I'm in with the anti-gen AI folk too, I pretty much hate how much effort companies try to shove gen AI to our throats and been looking into escaping from the crevices but couldn't since most of my peeps are from corpo socmed. Just stop, gen AI wouldn't do much net good, it would do net bad. The dead internet theory's becoming real at any point and it's indeed worryingly fast.

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Who I'd like to meet:

Anyone with the same interests as me, my crush, and a close-knit circle of friends. I couldn't make friendships irl immediately, but I'm always open for a conversation if you like.

But be warned, I have anger issues tho.

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