BIG-JUICY's profile picture


A cute pony doll.

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Mood: Ready for tomorrow.

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BIG-JUICY's Interests


Indie horror games. Night of the consumers. Any puppet combo,Chillas art,fears to fathom games/chapters. Resident Evil. Guilty Gear. Animal Crossing. Splatoon. I really wanna get into Silent hill,Like the first games I really wanna play by myself. I love to draw and make art. I am totally obsessed with My Lil Pony right now.


I love anything that sounds close to Aeysha Erotica,I like metal,punk,rock,funk,emo,indie,and game music. (really,I like everything.) I love Lovers Rock by TV Girl. I love Brutus by Mistress Buttress. Living dead girl by Rob zombie.


Here are some of my fav movies; Ponyo by studio ghibli, Number one all time fav. Howls moving castle by studio ghibli. Mary and the witches flower by studio ghibli. Moana by Disney. Cruella,the live action. I watched the Silent hill movie and I loved it so much.


Here are some of my fav tv shows,not a lot; MLP by Hasbros.


Here are some of my fav books; Big book of grimm,the original fairy tales by the brothers grimm. Emily the strange/Emily and the strangers by Rob Reger. The dragonoligy book by,I dont even know it's a old book but I love it so much.


I like all the spider men/women/people just cuz their suits are all super nice and they all are so different. I prefer villains though.

BIG-JUICY's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

Art!! (view more)

Hewwo everypony. (view more)

Art? (view more)

So much has happened, Ugh. (view more)

ITS BEEN SO LONGGG. (view more)

BIG-JUICY's Blurbs

About me:

GIF 023-D47-B1-6-CC8-430-C-A88-E-0-F933735-D10-D

Who I'd like to meet:

Cool bros and brahs, I am kinda mean so please, I am sorry if when we become closer I am a bit rude I am trying to fix that up.

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