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"watching youtube "

17, USA, Male

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Mood: bored

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tris's Interests


meeting new people, any kinds of music rlly, i love comic books (especially the dark and gritty types), i also love the walking dead, snowfall, invincible, and the boys. i play the guitar, drums, and bass, i also produce and am starting to make music after taking a year long break from it!


oh shit well, here we go! mgk falling in reverse ice nine kills yungblud blink-182 eminem jxdn mod sun i prevail shinedown


i always watch movies with my parents but my all time favs are american psycho scarface once upon a time in hollywood django: unchained inglorious bastards john wick the dirt joker


ive binged a shit ton now 😭 snowfall the walking dead invincible the boys shameless the umbrella academy outer banks demon slayer tokyo ghoul code geass lucifer jojos bizzare adventure and a shit ton more


i don’t rlly read books however im into comics!! some comics im into are: fnaf, the walking dead, invincible, batman (only the killing joke and dark knight saga rlly), the boys, jojos, and a few others i cant name atmmmm😭


mi padre, taught me everything

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About me:

hello! my names tristan but i go by tris, i am currently in a relationship with my beautiful girlfriend of 2 years, i am currently 17 years old and a junior in high school. i live in detroit, michigan and im here just to make friends and socialize with others who like the same stuff i do!

Who I'd like to meet:

anyone who’s of interest to anything related to wrestling, music (any kind of genre rlly, just nothing related to kpop or country)

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