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PersephoneLenore 's Interests
General |
My husband Ambrosius Girls Sloths Painting Learning how to use procreate Fascinated by the violin Had a belly dancing phase ....might make it’s wY back around Dancing In General mental health Thrift stores Antique stores Record stores Used book stores Late night coffee house hangouts Road trips with my husband |
Music |
Michael Jackson The used Panic!at the disco Fallout boy The rasmus Linkin park Skillet 80’s garage grunge and new wave 50’s oldies I indie folk The smiths David Bowie The joy division The Beatles New order The sound |
Movies |
Labyrinth Perks of being a wallflower Nick and Noah’s infinite playlist The Raven Secretary William Shakespeare’s Rome + Juliet |
Television |
Penny dreadful The Big Bang theory The owl house Miraculous lady bug Zombie land saga Archer Hellluva boss |
Books |
Ghostgirl trilogy It’s kind of a funny story Perks of being a wallflower Flowers in the attic series |
Heroes |
Hell boy |
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PersephoneLenore 's Blurbs
About me:
I’m 27. I’ll be 28 in March . I was never allowed to have a MySpace in the 2000’s... I feel like I missed out . So its’d cool this is here ! Married since 2018, emo since 2009. Have three looks - raccoon eyeliner emo , vintage thrift store hipster , sweats and depressed . Bipolar is a nightmare Cancer can bite it . I’m still alive , somehow . Which is cool ....sometimes . I have a dog , Ambrosius, he’s got a Labyrinth name. I like to make art ....I’m mediocre , but it’s fun when I’m in the mood to paint stuff . Bisexuals unite ! Uuuummm.... 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Who I'd like to meet:
Michael Jackson (RIP) I was raised on his music by my dad Anna Kenndrick she just seems like the coolest person alive Brendon Urie I mean obviously Kristin Stewart hooooot... Russel brand he seems fun Betty white she is literally an immortal goddess . Jim Parsons I need to give him a hug before I die ! A sloth
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