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"Getting ready to sleep."

United States of America

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Jeremy's Interests


Generally speaking, my interests are rather broad, ranging from the study of economics and philosophy to history, warfare, and other sciences. I've also a penchant for art and write rather extensively.


Naturally, I've a broad palate for various musical genres as well, though I don't often listen to any modern compositions, with exception of those oriented around meditation, such as Classical, Neo/Ambient folk, chants or chakras, or electronic genres. There's little more I abhor more than the psychology and social degeneration of rap and thug culture, however. Thus, if I'm looking for energy, I'll listen to Classic Rock or Metal.


If you've made it thus far, you probably already know I don't gain much entertainment value from modern film, either. It's highly political, ideological, very clearly and consistently attempting to socially condition the audience, which I simply find distracting, an oft unnerving nuisance. Moreover, Hollywood has run out of good ideas, their well of creativity drying up, reduced to recycling remakes of film and other productions to align with their overzealous political dogma. I may watch a film or series once every 3-6 months, typically from the past. Every once in a while, I may also binge on an old favorite, such as Lost.



I only read non-fiction, typically academic literature.


Emperor Augustus of Rome for defeating Mark Antony and Cleopatra in the Battle of Actium, single-handedly, though temporarily, saving Western civilization from continued decay, famine, and poverty under the slavery of Socialism that was rampant throughout the Hellenistic period. All champions of Liberty: Cato, Adam Smith, John Locke, George Washington, Joseph Warren, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Calvin Coolidge, Carl Menger, Henry Hazlitt, Friedrich Hayek, Ludwig von Mises, Joseph Schumpeter, Ayn Rand, Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Augusto Pinochet, Ronald Reagan, Milton Friedman, Thomas Sowell.

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Jeremy's Blurbs

About me:

Full-time college student, striving to finish my Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Systems, with a minor in Business. I'm sure we'll discuss the rest, if the opportunity arises.

Who I'd like to meet:

Unfortunately, most the people I'd like to meet have long since passed. Nonetheless, the esteemed economist, Thomas Sowell, would carry great conversation.

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