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Mood: Sleepy

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Sleepymiru's Interests




I pretty much listen to electro-pop, indie, drum n bass, soundtrack and alternative or whatever genres those are. I'm willing to discover more, though!
Grimes, Yeule and Agnes Obel are among my fave singers, and Yoko Shimomura among my fave game composers (Edge of Existence really slaps omg).


I don't really know what kind of movies I prefer, but animated movies and videos have a special place in my heart.


I don't watch TV anymore :/


I really like reading manga and graphic novels, to a point I even forgot about actual novels :0. Six of Crows and Middlesex are on my to-read list.


People I meet in my dreams lol

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Sleepymiru's Blurbs

About me:

I am someone that sleeps.
An so do you... or not?

I love to draw and I want to make a living out of it. If I ever manage to make a drawing or painting based on a dream of mine I promise I'll show it to you guys!!!

I still have lots to write about myself left :/

The Elders Scroll Skyrim - Precision

Who I'd like to meet:

Anyone that sleeps. Bonus point if you're former Myspace93 user, but it's not necessary.

Normally, people write here about themselves in about me, but I feel like doing a blog post for you guys to know me better.

Do you play Genshin on EU server? Yeah? So do I, but I'm on a big hiatus rn!
UID: 702203862

Sleepymiru's Friends Comments

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Perty The Virtual Musician

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💕 💞

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