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36, married and happy

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Rachel's Interests


I will let the profile speak for itself; you want to know me then ask me.


Honestly, when it comes to music, I listen to everything. Although I am not into music from before the 80s. I don't have a favorite song or artist or anything anymore. It's more how I am feeling in the moment.


Like with books I love romantic movies, whether it be romcoms or dramas, I love them, but my favorite movie is actually The Notebook. I also love comedies. I am always in the mood for a good laugh.


I love sitcoms, just about any sitcom. I am sucker for the classics, like Full house, The Nanny, Fresh Prince, but my all-time favorite tv show is FRIENDS. I don't care what you think about the show it won't change my mind and if you have negative things to say about it or anything I have on my page you can leave don't be my friend. World is too short to worry about that kind of stuff...and the world is toxic enough without putting more out there.


I love romantic novels, my favorite author is Nicholas Sparks. I also enjoy psychological thrillers.


My heroes are my two best friends, the one I grew up with who saved me from myself more times than I can count growing up and then my husband who has helped me grow and become the person I am today. Both have helped me grow and saved me from myself more than I am willing to admit. If not for them I would not be here. I love them more than anything and am eternally grateful to them both.

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About me:

Married mom of three teenagers..just living life hoping to leave the world better then when I entered..Light Pink Pointer

Who I'd like to meet:

Just looking for friends and nothing more...and reliving a little nostalgia with this site..

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